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2009 350z-uk.com Calendar


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  marzman said:
  Sarnie said:
3rd & 4th ones are ace :teeth:


Sarnie, how come whenever i post a pic of my car showing my front LED's, which are identical to these, you slate the sh!t out of me/them?? :p


I was keeping it on topic (for once) and commenting on the artistic merits photo, not the content.


For the record I hate the LED's............very chav imo........ :lol::p

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so anyone requiring a submission photo, pm me and i could try and slot you in at some point this week. ;)


i'll do a calendar bargin package!


is the green machine wanting to be in the calendar?


luke, you want to post your submission?


jim? how about you?


lexx why not submit this as it is your car?


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  martinmac said:
This will close on Sunday 26th October to allow me time to sort out the entry thread for voting before I jet off to the sun.


You will then have until the 10th November to get your votes in.


Once the voting is closed I will post details for ordering.


Damn, better tell Amanda to sign up and make a decision! Need to get my car out for a bit and get a shot or 2 done!

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Just a little something to make this more interesting. :teeth:


Lasy year there was club merchandise up for grabs with every order of a calendar. Many people on here have now bought jackets and shirts so I have just negotiated a terrific deal for this year.


For every calnedar order you get one entry. Buy 2 and you get two entries etc.


The person drawn from the list of people placing orders will get an exclusive canvas print of any of the winning entries including the front cover. You can choose.


Remember, I am only ordering a limited number of calendars so once the voting is completed in mid Novemeber, get your orders in quickly to avoid missing out.

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  martinmac said:
The person drawn from the list of people placing orders will get an exclusive canvas print of any of the winning entries including the front cover. You can choose.


Remember, I am only ordering a limited number of calendars so once the voting is completed in mid Novemeber, get your orders in quickly to avoid missing out.

Awesome. How much money cosists of the winning bribe this year? Dont think my tenna made it last time :lol::lol:

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  Chris`I said:
  martinmac said:
The person drawn from the list of people placing orders will get an exclusive canvas print of any of the winning entries including the front cover. You can choose.


Remember, I am only ordering a limited number of calendars so once the voting is completed in mid Novemeber, get your orders in quickly to avoid missing out.

Awesome. How much money cosists of the winning bribe this year? Dont think my tenna made it last time :lol::lol:


I can post several calndars to one person with the same effort as one ;)

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  martinmac said:
  Chris`I said:
  martinmac said:
The person drawn from the list of people placing orders will get an exclusive canvas print of any of the winning entries including the front cover. You can choose.


Remember, I am only ordering a limited number of calendars so once the voting is completed in mid Novemeber, get your orders in quickly to avoid missing out.

Awesome. How much money cosists of the winning bribe this year? Dont think my tenna made it last time :lol::lol:


I can post several calndars to one person with the same effort as one ;)

I know what all my friends and family will be getting for xmas this year :lol::lol:

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  Sarnie said:
I might be on my own here but I think the members calender should consist of pictures of the members cars taken by the members themselves.

I think it should be pics of the clubs Zeds taken by members. So anyone can take a pic of anyones cars. Otherwise you'd never get any moving shots of your own car :surrender:


Its still one pic per member, so if you want to submit a pic of someone elses its up to you. And if you dont have a good pic of your car but someone else does, you should be able to submit it (with their permission of course). Should probably limit the total number of pics per member, otherwise the calendar could turn into a portfolio for Adam :lol:

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The other thing you have to remember is that everyone votes on it. The chances of everyone voting for the same 12 and them being a high concentration of 1 member is very unlikely. Also, if I take a photo of someones car and it makes it, it makes 2 people proud, me for a good photo and them for their car being in it.


Possibly we should limit it to one shot per actual members car?

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