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Remind me again why I work in IT!!


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The money is ok but its taken me years to get there - but they want their piund of flesh and they always get a buy 1 get one free with me unfortunately - sorry in a grumble mode - as its now 02:37!!


What time is it over there? Your probably just having breakfast!! :D

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but they want their pound of flesh and they always get a buy 1 get one free with me unfortunately - sorry in a grumble mode - as its now 02:37!!

They sure do. Hope you're not expected in at 7.30, lol, you'll probably still be there. :wacko:


What time is it over there? Your probably just having breakfast!! :D

No, just had lunch. :lol: 11 hours ahead of the UK at the moment I think. ;)

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The money is ok but its taken me years to get there - but they want their piund of flesh and they always get a buy 1 get one free with me unfortunately


Im the same Stan and totally feel your pain, Ive been working from home for 6 years now been at my company 10 years. For some in IT when the @*!# hits the fan you have to do what it takes however long.


One horror story from me to make you feel a little better is, i do a lot of my work late at night as too not disturb the workers too much as they pretty much do sod all on a night shift lol. I was making some routine changes on the system one night and had to make some changes to one of the database tables which required me to export all the data, make the change then re-import. This is a fairly straight forward procedure as im sure you can imagine but for some reason the data export got corrupted and would not import. Id been on my feet from 9am by now and it was 1am the next day. I tried frantically to sort out the export file and at 8am i finally decided to ring the MD and push the panic buttons as i had to tell him id just lost over 5000 live and back orders from our system. Finally at 3pm i managed to get it sorted and was able to go bed but i must of spent at least 15 hours starring at a excel spreadsheet :rant:

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I remember working on a VISA processing system back in my youf and missing a ".R" off a command, which had a weird effect that took us eight hours to work out what was wrong - I worked it out and sheepishly held my hand up (after eight hours with no VISA transactions through our bank - not good, quote from the Treasurer "remind me why you work here..." )


My boss was ace and said "Well done for holding your hand up... bet you won't make a mistake like that again".... if only he was there six years later at 2am when I did an "rm *" in the wrong directory...


Happy days!

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Heard of another one on an old ICL machine (going back in time now), there were 2 commands LKF filename short for LookFile and another command KF filename meaning Kill File and guess what kept happening ! Who would design such a thing.


A computer geek probably..... :lol:

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Share another one from history.


Techie made some changes and didn't document them one evening to "improve performance", following day onlines all up except for Credit card authorisations, so ALL UK shops for about 80 high street brands had to do phone call authorisations for about 3 hours on a Friday morning, caused absolute chaos, can't recall the numbers but if you think that one of the stores was a department store that has "Blue cross" sales you might begin to get the number of tills involved.


Quite a few others I've come across you might not want to know about. Amazing how reliant society is now on computer systems and the geeks you talk about.

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