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Importing from Switzerland????


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Wonder if anyone knows the answer to this question....


A friend is looking at buying a car from Switzerland. This is a second hand 04 car which is a UK right-hand drive.


If they flew over and everything was good i.e. V5 etc then what are the rules about bringing it home (as they are out of the EU)


Would there be any taxes to pay or can they jusy fly over and then drive it home.

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All vehicles entering the UK from outside the EEC that are less than 10 years old, require British National Type Approval (SVA). To ensure that they meet all UK build and safety requirments. You cannot register a vehicle in the UK without an SVA certificate.

The following documents will need to be submitted to the DVLA local office, photocopies are not acceptable.


completed application form V55/4 (for new vehicles) or V55/5 (for used vehicles) a £55.00 registration fee (if applicable)

the required fee for the licence

a current British certificate of insurance

foreign registration document and any other papers you have relating to the vehicle

evidence showing the date the vehicle was collected (normally the invoice from the supplier)

evidence of type approval

the appropriate HM Revenue and Customs form

C & E 386 - this form is issued by HMRC for a vehicle of any age personally imported from outside the EU

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Its a strange one. I know somebody who bought a Dutch car in the UK and took it over to Spain. They are still not sorted with the paperork and its running grey after 2 years.


Sounds as though it should be simple but definately wrth a phonecall to the DVLA first.

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