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Easy install Short Shifter


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Are any of the short shifters easy to fit with "In cabin" installation only.


I've seen a few guides to fitting and you have to get under the car and I am a fat lazy man.


I dont mind attempting taking the shift knob, boot assemblies apart but can't be arsed with going under the car.

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i did mine at home in 20 mins


took it out 2 weeks later


99% sure it will kill your syncros/gearbox and 99% sure it will make u miss your gears


id stay away, u cant be the stock shifter, just buy a sexy nismo knob :p

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To be honest if you buy a new knob chances are it's smaller so effectively reducing the throw but keeping the characteristics of the change the same. I did this and can't say it's bad at all!

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  kingbiscuit said:
What about the mossy adjustable one?




At leat you get a few chances of getting the feel right

I guess ill write my review on this shifter , since ive been meaning to...


Ive had my Mossy Shoftshifter for 5 months now ... At first, you will notice a BIG difference between the stock shifter.. A lot smoother, easier to shift, etc ... The different settings were cool (stock, 20% longer than stock, 20% shorter, and 40% shorter) , but sometimes a pain to switch .. but not a big deal.


For myself personally, Ive been experiencing 2 major problems with it.


1) When shifting into different gears, you hear a "buzzing" sound ... I dont know why it does that.. but it gets really annoying some times .. It is really most noticeable when doing into 2nd gear ... but it does it on all gears nonetheless..


2) .. Now this is the big one ... The shifter has been getting REALLY stiff recently for the past 2 months ... And what i mean by that is ... Normally you can play around with the shifter , moving it left and right, very easily and it should return back to the center ... But on many occasions, its very hard to move it left and right ... It is so stiff some times, when you move it all the way to the right and let go .. it just stays there ... (And does not come back to center) ..

But for some reason, after not driving the Z for a while, it'll return to normal ...


Right now, i put back my old stock shifter and e-mailed Greg @ mossy (the person who i spoke to) to see if they will honor their warranty .. he has not replied to my email yet ...


When i looked at the mossy shifter again after i replaced my stock one .. I noticed that it is not very smooth to move the metal rod around the ball where revolves around of (compared to the stock one ... which was very smooth) .. This might be a manufacture defect, i dont know ... I'll find one when he replies to my email .. (hopefully). .I figured why it is not smooth is because when we drive the car, heat expands the plastic .. which makes it a lot harder to move around .. (And i have greased the ball on several occasions, but it did not help)


My main reason why i purchased this short shifter (or the grounding kit) . . was because i was looking for smoother shifts ... I really despite that notchy feeling when shifting into the gears which it does very often. . . And from one of the reviews by chachi999999999 ... I was convinced it would make my life a lot easier .. (he made it sound like ... well, he said the shifts were like a hot knife going through butter) .. The shifter does that to some extent, but overall, i would stick with the stock shifter. .




A review of the Mossy short shift.

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Ok I have fitted a new short shift from Bigphil @ESR, Took about 3 hours of messing about (pain in the arse) after We got it all back together again I found 1 major problem, the gear box now goes into reverse without pushing the nob down. We have tried everything to get it working the way it should but No couldnt do it. I suppose its not that big of a worry as you can defo feel the difference near reverse and would never put it in unless drunk, wich isnt a good idea driving a 'zed'. All in all it feals alot smothers and alot less 'clunky' worth the messing if you ask me, but like I say the only down side is the reverse situation.

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  TT Convert said:
Ok I have fitted a new short shift from Bigphil @ESR, Took about 3 hours of messing about (pain in the arse) after We got it all back together again I found 1 major problem, the gear box now goes into reverse without pushing the nob down. We have tried everything to get it working the way it should but No couldnt do it. I suppose its not that big of a worry as you can defo feel the difference near reverse and would never put it in unless drunk, wich isnt a good idea driving a 'zed'. All in all it feals alot smothers and alot less 'clunky' worth the messing if you ask me, but like I say the only down side is the reverse situation.




something not quite right there, the other trial one we have fitted ourselves has no issue with reverse, we will have another look this week to see if we can identify what you may have done wrong.

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its something to do with the top (origanal) plate, the stop on the stick goes underneath without pressing the stick down. even tried to flatten the 'kink' so it woundnt, but ended up cracking it slightly (still sound and solid). its as if the top plate is to high????

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0 problems with my shifter....took 25 minutes to install, 0 noise vs stock, and no extra stiffness. Mine is by Stillen. I've also done the NISMO one as well...a bit more money, but adjustable. Again, 0 problems


noise is sometimes a result of the materials they use for the bottom shifter "cup" as well as plate alignment (it has to be spot on, otherwise the lever gets very notchy and buzzy). In terms of stiffness, there is only 1 thing that determines that...the tension to which you torque down the side carrier bolt. The tighter you make it, the more lever action is required. I simply followed factory torque specs and used a bit of blue thread lock to ensure it doesn't come loose.

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