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Photographers -bargain of the century - ASDA Queensferry


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If your into Pentax SLR's like me or just after a decent easy digital SLR as maybe your first camera in this field read on.........


Been into Pentax cameras for years - always good build and lenses better than a lot of the other brands, anyway got the istDS when it came out about 4 years ago - cost me a fortune , 6.1 Mega pixel - ok so thats nowt these days as the new top spec Pentax is 14 Mega pixels - great but how often are you going to use that - exactly sod all!


Anyway to cut a long story short - mine was replaced a few years later by some warmed up versions with a few toys and new better bits, so been keeping an eye on the Pentax K100D super which ASDA sell think it was originally something like £500-600 when new -£349 ASDA has had it on offer for a while now still is that price when you walk around ASDA stores- however at Queensferry its now reduced to £260 as they are not selling cameras and want to shift it!! Thats not the display model but a proper film wrapped fresh box with standard kit lense 18-55mm - Bargain or what! so new toy then - its supposed to be my backup camera - as the other cost me so much more I dont always take it with me - however been playing with new one and although not much different damn thing is faster than old one and better colour definition!


Thought I would let you know - they have 2 left in boxes plus display model - cheaper than those 'icckle compact toy cameras for Children :p




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Yeah I know thats the one but for me with where I work etc and fuel etc it would cost me I was their anyway the £11 difference is immaterial to me.


Its a nice Camera - everyone goes for Canon and Nikon - to be really honest and its my own personal choice as I have been a Pentax fan for years there is nowt much in it - you pay through the nose for Nikon and Canon sorry folks just my opinion - When I decided to break into digital SLR's I looked at Canon and to be really brutally honest the build quality was pants to me - the lense wobbled for goodness sakes and the same for Nikon - stupid money I have no reason to spend that sort of cash I am not a professional photographer, but I have covered 4 weddings for people , I have been to Venice, Scotland (all weathers) skiing in -30 conditions and the Pentax has never let me down - its built like the proverbial brick convenience - magnesium chassis with decent outer shell , thats the istDS this 100D super is a revised updated version which is a little chunkier and heavier but has new procesor etc much quicker than my own - anyway £200+ for this is a steal! Why buy a compact for similar money - when you have the flexibility of using all the Lenses Pentax made from the 1950's, ok you have to consider the difference in 35mm and digital of course but come on - I use my old 35mm film lenses - quality is superb -just make sure they are autofocus or just flick to manual mode for the older ones results are great - failing that just leave it auto mode - point and squirt! Sorry went on a bit there.. all you professional photograghers are probably laughing at this but who cares its one of my past times not my profession. ;)


Hopefully these should last me the next few years and only when I go full frame digtal will I buy again !

Still have my dads 1958 Voijtlander Prominent Rangefinder camera - and quality is better than any camera I have ever used today - what does that tell you ..... Oh considered the Leica range but just buy the Panasonic versions instead - your paying for the brand name folks dont be mugs! :p


If you want to see pics just look at any I have posted (well some have been with the phone - but Scotland pics and Wales and Donut run are the istDs camera - here is one from the new one the other day - when I was trying it out.


Auto mode on no photoshop work just resized - fresh out the box particulary grey and overcast dull day!



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Either that, or Stan took his Zed through Tinkersdale on his lunch break - you know where I mean don't you Stan :teeth:



Is there a hidden message in here? It's not one of those dodgy places couples park up is it? :lol:

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Is there a hidden message in here? It's not one of those dodgy places couples park up is it?


No its my secret squirrel work making sure Boeing dont steal Airbus secrets - and no I dont know where Tinkersdale is - mate - good run out or is it lovers lane sort of thing??? Not much use to me then! :doh:

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