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K1 v Ebay exhaust

TT Convert

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Ok, fitted the new exhaust today and OOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYYYY FOOOOOOOOKING GODDDDDDDDDDD its loud, I think it may be too loud and ill have to fit the bungs ill try to take a sound click and post it on you tube so you can see. The only downside is the 2 tails are not mm pefrectly in the same place they are a few mm out, but that maybe cus I fitted it , and I know didlly squat! If any one is intrested in one let me know and Ill pass your details on, although I only paid £250 this was a one off deal as I was too write a review on here, dont know what they are going to sell for but carnt be much more, defo cheaper that the K1 (probably the same exhaust)

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def seems like the same exhaust, the k1's are not mm perfect as far as the level of the tails go


pics n sound clips would be good B)


will it quieten down when it carbons up ? most zorsts are a bit noisier when new as they resonate

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  TT Convert said:
oh right so it will quiet down?


Hi Pal, glad it worked out. Looks like you got a bargain. I did warn you how loud it was though.

When they are brand new there is some high tinny noises. Once it gets a layer of carbon in it these will go leaving just the deeper bass tones. Mine has started to lose it's higher pitches but it still F'in loud. Even with the baffles in it's no fun on the mototrway. Amazing in an underground car park though........... gave mine a blast in one today to hear the crackles on lift off........set off 3 car alarms !!!!!!! :lol:

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  TT Convert said:
oh right so it will quiet down?


Hi Pal, glad it worked out. Looks like you got a bargain. I did warn you how loud it was though.

When they are brand new there is some high tinny noises. Once it gets a layer of carbon in it these will go leaving just the deeper bass tones. Mine has started to lose it's higher pitches but it still F'in loud. Even with the baffles in it's no fun on the mototrway. Amazing in an underground car park though........... gave mine a blast in one today to hear the crackles on lift off........set off 3 car alarms !!!!!!! :lol:

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  Cool Hand Luke said:
Once exhausts get carboned up they tend to get a bit louder - by that i mean deeper sounding like Drew says.


deeper - less tinny - louder ? i'm not so sure


do the bungs cause back pressure ? do they make the sound quieter but the exhaust its self louder - if that makes sense, i know they do that on my bike

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  GIXXERUK said:
  Cool Hand Luke said:
Once exhausts get carboned up they tend to get a bit louder - by that i mean deeper sounding like Drew says.


deeper - less tinny - louder ? i'm not so sure


do the bungs cause back pressure ? do they make the sound quieter but the exhaust its self louder - if that makes sense, i know they do that on my bike


YES ..............they create back pressure - hopefully not too much else exhaust valves etc can burn out. I'm sure ESR know what they're doing though. Even with the bungs in I bet the back pressure isn't more than the std exhaust was anyway.

I'll let you know if my engine blows up !


NO........it doesn't make sense, to a thick manc like me anyway :wacko:

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  TT Convert said:
Im also thick :wacko: does back pressure mean back fire? (POP)


No mate back pressure is causing the gases to hold in the system which make the exhaust valves work harder, e.g. if you take the exhaust off or make it too free flowing you will lose torque


basically your allowing gases out quicker than they can get in, so the system is weak


what i wanted to know was with the bungs in does it make the exhaust rumble under the pressure :thumbs:

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