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Standard exhaust for sale

leon britton

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Guest prescience

It's an odd one. What is the value of an OEM exhaust. IMO where people are modifying, as close to zero as you can go :teeth:

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It's an odd one. What is the value of an OEM exhaust. IMO where people are modifying, as close to zero as you can go :teeth:


+1 I sold mine to a guy off here from Blackburn for about £25 i think it was, never heard from him since........... :D

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Just fitted mine fron ESR ,WOW its the b ******s must just say to ensure a good fit had to grind a small casting lump off diff and modify prop guard bracket other than that yabadabadoooooooooo!!!!. dont expect the earth for the old one just trying to help someone out its in good condition but happy to put it in the shed for a while then bin it :D:D:D

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It's an odd one. What is the value of an OEM exhaust. IMO where people are modifying, as close to zero as you can go :teeth:


+1 I sold mine to a guy off here from Blackburn for about £25 i think it was, never heard from him since........... :D


Keeping mine as will be worh £400 when i take the Nismo off when i sell. ;) Can't understand anyone selling them. :wacko:

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