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Oh no....I've been to see Phil again....


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Oh dear...another box!




What could it be??

Oh, it's one of those!




So I spent a few hour yesterday fitting this.

And despite managing to lose a nut and washer to the bottom of the engine (much skin lost trying to get them back!) it all went really well.


The passenger side is a bit fiddly though!







In th epast few days Ive also had Tein Super Street coilovers fitted, hence why she is now sat so low in the pic below.

Also changed the interior lighting for blue LED's




Comments and criticisms welcome as always



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Went for a blast yesterday, and it gives the car a deeper growl mid range than it had before.

Remeber tho I have the 5zigen fitted too, so the noise I have is a combined sound.

I have a feeling I wont be getting out of 2nd gear very much....just sounds evil!


Price is something over £200, tbh Ive stopped asking Phil sich questions! :blush:

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Looks B)


Did the kit come with everything to make it a twin inlet system? or is the more to it than that.


Hope its not too much of a daft noobie Q's.




It's a kit for the MY07 onwards model, so its comes with both intakes. Took me about 90 mins to do.



As for looking so low. Thats more just the way its sat on my drive. When parked on a level serface its a bit higher than that.

But yeah, Im waiting ont he new 5Zigen's the arrive at Phils before I decide on what wheels to get.

Think I've done enough for one week!

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Looks :thumbs:


Are there more pictures of your car on this website anywhere?


Only I'm interested in it as it is the same colour as what I'm getting and I've yet to see any decent pictures of what my car will look like!! :)

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