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350Z rev-up losing electrical power whilst driving


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Hi all


Today on my round trip to work today I noticed an odd issue.  As I'm driving along the electrical power cuts out.  The stereo goes off, the backlight for the digital display on the dash goes out and the speedo drops to zero.  However, the ABS/TCS/Handbrake lights all come on and the engine seems to keep running OK.  It's only momentary, so it's hard to test more.


Now, I do have an issue where my battery's terminals aren't quite fat enough for the clamps to grip.  This means that sometimes I need to wiggle a loose connector to get it to start.  On one hand my limited knowledge of cars tells me that when running the power comes from the alternator, so this would be irrelevant, but on the other hand it feels like it would be related.


Anyone have any insight?




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8 minutes ago, ZMANALEX said:

Best to sort your battery terminal issue before you look any further.


OK, a new battery with fatter terminals it is! edit - or maybe new clamps which are cheaper

Edited by Nickbee
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