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My new DVD is out - with an extra bit dedicated to my 350Z!


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Hello there my fellow zedders...


Well, there's a reason I've been quiet of late - I've been very busy doing THIS - and after what seems a lifetime of editing and other assorted rubbish, my second DVD is finally out!


This DVD - 'TAKEN FOR GRANTED' was filmed live at the Theatre Royal in Brighton in November 2007 and is over an hour and 20 minutes long, and contains loads of extras including lots of audience shots (I'm sure some of you will see yourself in it if you were there!) and vox pops as well.


Also, there are 2 extras...


STEPHEN GRANT & HIS CARS - A 15 minute biographical documentary made by Sunipa Pictures where Stephen shows off his bizarre addiction for Japanese Sports Cars in and around the Sussex Countryside (while narrowly avoiding running over a pensioner and almost getting trapped under the abandoned timber on Brighton Beach)... and


WHAT'S IT LIKE TO WORK WITH STEPHEN GRANT - over 30 different comedians, radio and TV people from across the UK quite impressively putting the boot in on our Stephen with some fairly dubious and slanderous tales of debauchery and general rubbishness - starring... Jeff Green | Andy Parsons | John Moloney | Ed Petrie | Ben Hurley | Andy White | Jeff Innocent | Mike Gunn | Gordon Southern | Daliso Chapondo | Vivien Ackland-Snow | Mary Bourke | Martin Coyote | Roger Monkhouse | Rufus Hound | Kitty Flanagan | Ian Moore | Kevin McCarthy | Ian Stone | Steve Harris | Nic Ayling | Terry Alderton | Glenn Wool | Steve Gribbin | Karl Grewar | Dominic Woodward | Carl Donnelly | Simon Evans | George Egg | Gavin Webster | Gary Delaney | Howard Read | Jim Tavare | Paul Sinha | Lucy Porter | Shappi Khorsandi | Paul Chowdhry | Sean Percival | Stephen Carlin... and many more!




There is a hidden extra on this special dual layer DVD (double the size of most other comedian's DVD's) with an additional HOUR of bootleg video - and the key to unlocking this is available to all 350z-uk members if they buy their DVD online! After purchasing the dvd, send an email from the same account you ordered it from to me@stephengrant.com with the subject heading "TAKEN FOR GRANTED" and you will get an automatic reply with the code to unlock this bonus hour of footage NEVER SEEN BEFORE, shot in location across the world over the last 2 years.


On top of that, you get the DVD at the special rock-bottom price of £8 (this release will never be sold cheaper) - this is going on sale in the shops for £15.99 in June so get a bargain NOW!


To get your copy, please visit http://www.stephengrant.com/sg_shop.htm - there's an example YouTube video there too. Please note : for all non UK/Ireland/CI/IOM sales, an additional £2 GBP postage is required. If you do not add this at checkout, you will be sent a paypal invoice for the additional amount.


If you're on Facebook, please invite your friends to the Stephen Grant Avids group if they also want this special offer and the code to the extra hour's video.


Cheers for letting me post this here :)

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  StephenG said:
  Zedrush said:
whoa you famous B) what is it you do mate? :blush:

Not really that famous unless you're a stand-up comedy fan!


I tell jokes.


S :)



:blush: I normally go up the creek in greenwich as my mate is doorman there, cant stand it when comedians get heckled by drunk idiots who think they are funnier :dry: do you hire yourself out?

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cracked up when you made comparison between English and American Dialect


When you say pi**ed you mean angry when we mean drunk


When you say wrecked you mean destroyed when we mean drunk


When you say wasted you mean murdered when we mean drunk


Mullered, not covered in yoghurt but infcact erm drunk




:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: PMSL

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  Zedrush said:
cracked up when you made comparison between English and American Dialect


When you say pi**ed you mean angry when we mean drunk


When you say wrecked you mean destroyed when we mean drunk


When you say wasted you mean murdered when we mean drunk


Mullered, not covered in yoghurt but infcact erm drunk




:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: PMSL

pmsl! :lol:


We SO need to go see this live! :thumbs:


Steven, your myspace isnt working

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Hi Stephen,


I'd def agree watching him live! Superb!


I was at the Theatre Royal with my lady when you made the DVD so will look for us! Also watched you there the year before I think (or poss 2005).


First started watching you (sounds dodgey!) at the Brighton Komedia club then you left it behind and hit the big time!


In fact I have a bone to pick, I paid for my guys at work to come and see you just before Christmas at the Brighton Komedia club and you weren't there! Did book a month or so in advance but was never told you weren't coming!! To be fair your replacement was funny too so all is forgiven! :teeth:

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I've been to Up the Creek a few times, not sure if your were on the nights I've been as I can never remember comedian's names (except for Lucy Porter who was the second act one night... she wasn't that funny but I enjoyed imagining doing other things with her ;) ). I love sitting near the front, getting really drunk and heckling :blush:


But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:

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  AndySpak said:
I've been to Up the Creek a few times, not sure if your were on the nights I've been as I can never remember comedian's names (except for Lucy Porter who was the second act one night... she wasn't that funny but I enjoyed imagining doing other things with her ;) ). I love sitting near the front, getting really drunk and heckling :blush:


But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:


+1 on cheesy disco and dodgy thai curry upstairs :lol::lol::lol:

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  Zedrush said:
  AndySpak said:
I've been to Up the Creek a few times, not sure if your were on the nights I've been as I can never remember comedian's names (except for Lucy Porter who was the second act one night... she wasn't that funny but I enjoyed imagining doing other things with her ;) ). I love sitting near the front, getting really drunk and heckling :blush:


But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:


+1 on cheesy disco and dodgy thai curry upstairs :lol::lol::lol:


Yeah, their Thai noodles are just what you need about 11pm at night :lol:

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  AndySpak said:
But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:


Its weird, it must be something common with most comedy clubs as our Jongleurs up here in Leicester does the same thing! Unfortunately I have an aversion to cheese so I usually leave pretty sharpish!


You're a legend though Stephen! Will definitely see about ordering the dvd. Hope you make a few more trips up here to the midlands & hopefully I'll get to catch your act live :teeth:

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  RichieP said:
  AndySpak said:
But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:


Its weird, it must be something common with most comedy clubs as our Jongleurs up here in Leicester does the same thing! Unfortunately I have an aversion to cheese so I usually leave pretty sharpish!


You're a legend though Stephen! Will definitely see about ordering the dvd. Hope you make a few more trips up here to the midlands & hopefully I'll get to catch your act live :teeth:

Cool stuff.


Anyone got one yet? Anyone got any feedback? :)

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