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Project Bankrupt/chopshop (Azurez33)


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So continuing on- I decided to do something a bit different by doing something with my parcel shelf logo as it’s such a great idea which could be built in greatly- I saw someone make their own idea but I’ve never seen anyone use the Oem bar- 

You’ll see the idea that I’m going for here- used drill to bore out the majority of the spaces, then a small dremmel and a finger grinder to work out the spaces- this grp material is not fun to work with and you have to be careful as it chips really easily. 
found it good to actually warm up the drill first to sort out melt the plastic- then I used my super saver mini files I bought from Aldi

 To save writing up later I’ll give you the finished product here- this was a good three months in the making- 

after cutting and filing the frosted Perspex to fix exactly in the holes, after supergluing and filling holes I emery taped the excess glue off as you wouldn’t see the joins after- 







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Had the trim wrapped bu my trusting wrapping friends at signs central who will be featured shortly here! they also bordered the squares for added feature. As I already have an interior lighting system and we only have two footwells I decided this would be a better use for the other two light units- so I cut and soldered two lots of extensions done in so I could reach the wires up to the rear strut bar, after tucking away the wires and trying to not stress the joints “being the heavy handed thug I am” I tried to press the body clips into position and cracked the one side! But ta da I’m happy with the overall product 











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So… start to the big stuff, purchased these cobra sports cats off @Fluke ages ago, fitted them the day they arrived- 4 of the easy access nuts easily came off and of course the two rear facing nuts were hard as hell to get off, had to use a couple of long as hell extensions and a lot of brute force but they went eventually! Tie that up with some new flame ring gaskets and bolts n it was good to go! The lambdas came out good as gold bit of copper slip on the threads and cleaned the tips. Happy days! 

the sound is just phenomenal combined with the single exit! almost deafening at 4k haha 








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Continuing on- decided it was about time I atleast did something to address my dirty boring engine bay- with some ideas borrowed from Sam, I felt that I wanted to go a different route as not seen many people go white in the engine bay- volvo ice white to be precise- aswell some electrical convoluted tubing to help set off some of wiring- this was not fun to fit and also I’ll have to replace soon as it’s dirty already 😂😂








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Follow on from this a full head light resto- good hour or so of sanding and polishing- abs the mistake of using the silly uv protection which clouded up and made them look crap- and then had to re blooming polish them for another hour 








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So… finally some real time updates- I’ve finally gotten to a point where this is new stuff I’ve added or modified since my initial welcome thread. 
I’ve owned her now for roughly 2 and a bit years, I’ve replaced or modified common areas of the z uprated some major areas. 
Now for the bits that I feel make it different to the rest- 

As I’m very good friends with the wrappers on our industrial park it made perfect sense to make this move- product was ordered through mdpsupplies as getting hold of decent wrap is hard through customer sides. 
I went for Purple/black gloss, but this was only the start/base colours- took them a day or two and the worst part was me putting having to put the bumper back on without damaging it! they even did the wing mirrors-


They managed to do it in time for wheels on Wednesday too! I just didn’t have time to put the spoiler on! 

they even put on my decals from japfest,


and this is how my colleagues decided to call it chop shop haha 





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  On 30/01/2022 at 00:21, alexgv1 said:

When did your spoiler disappear bud? That was my favourite part of the build 😄

Well done for getting your car to where you want it. I think the purple wrap would suit the whole car as well.


It only went because I had a show the next day and didn’t have time to fettle and fix it back on! Well because you miss it already I’ll update it further…. 

thanks mate, this was only the start haha! Still got a lot of new content to add just can’t find the time some days! yes I have been told this many times 😂😂 I want to be a bit  different so there’s more decals and wrap coming this year! 

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So I left it in my trusty wrappers hands to do something a bit different- they weren’t overly happy as wrapping the spoiler as there’s no real points where they could easily pull the Wrap and not stress the spoiler- sooooo they kept in line with my new scheme of two tone- I love azure too much to cover it up so they did half and half and black underneath  which you won’t see I don’t think! 





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So… over the past few weeks I’ve noticed my clutch being a bit dodgy, over revving a bit and also seeming a bit higher than usual! 


so naturally decided it’s probably about time to replace it, would rather just replace it so I don’t have to worry about it disappearing on me- so I got onto @Coz@TORQEN he recommended the JWT Clutch and modular flywheel kit, I had looked around to see what was best but Coz had advised me for what I wanted fastroad aswell as a bit of track action this was the kit for me! nice that they had included a braided clutch line, the previous owner must have already got there first as it was already braided. 

I’ve had a clutch slave kit from @Tarmac@TarmacSportz in the draw for a while since I had clutch issues at one point and almost got stuck on top of the multi-storey carpark, so I had that all ready for the day I finally decided to do this. Obviously it’s a big help having a ramp and tools but tbh it was a nice a straightforward job, didn’t need to remove too much and it all came out pretty easy- just an FYI don’t pay all the attention to the horror stories you hear of non starts once doing clutches on these. 






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Continuing on through the clutch and flywheel replacement. 

Removed the prop shaft- had a quick checkover of the ujs not that there’s much maintenance on them. Everything seemed all good though. 

disconnected everything on the loom and removed it out the way, removed the clutch slave and line- to replace later.
Decided not to remove the cats as it could be done without taking too much out the way, couple of bolts  for the bell housing removed and got the box out, always helpful having a transmission Jack but I have done one in the floor before and it wasn’t fun 😂


Thank god I had decided to do it when I did, as you can see part of the pressure plate retainer had broken off and the other side had cracked, once removed the friction plate still did have a bit of life left. The surface on the friction plate did look a bit nasty however quite a lot of hairline fractures, heat spots galore, and the flywheel was due for removal anyway as they have such a high failure rate so out with the old and in with the new! 












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  On 16/01/2022 at 15:47, Azurez33 said:

At the same time if bought a Tomei duracon gearknob as I hate the standard 350 one just doesn’t feel nice and plus the leather was wearing on mine- 

for anyone wanting to swap theirs over- yes if it’s not been off before it probably is that tight- you’ll need a pair of hands (preferably another set aside from your own) maybe water pump pliers, some real willpower- and some spinach because I tell you what mine was a **** to get off, and I’m not weakling 😂 Once I had destroyed my old gearknob I used a bit of copper slip onto the thread so I would have that issue again! twisted it on and placed the tomei logo on top- it’s fair to say I love the duracon material just feels nice and the finish is brilliant! I went for the medium as didn’t overly want a big king dildo till I go to start drifting again! 

my other job at some point will be to change the poor dated leather surround to something nice and fancy! More photos to follow 



What a great build thread, excellent work!


I was going to post a thread called "Show Me Your Knob" as I want to get shot of the dildo-esque bell-end of the standard one in my Nismo. I've seen vids on UToob showing what a task it is to get the old one off - seems they're true. Anyway, I quite like the one you've fitted, did it come from Torqen? 


Also, what do you think of the Falkens that you've fitted?

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Haha thanks mate much appreciated thankyou, I’ve still got stuff to keep adding haha! 


oh god I have seen that they’re a little less ergonomic than some other designs haha! they’re a right bugger to get off so I’d be careful aha! I got it from nengun performance, there’s two sizes I believe, it’s genuinely a really nice feel (good it’s hard to not make this sound dodgy) 😂


Genuinely can’t fault them, the performance in the wet is as stated, they grip incredibly well and I don’t get any excess road noise or droning. I’ve probably done about 8000miles and they’re still on about 5mm so longevity is probably not the same as mps4s but I do rate them

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  On 13/02/2022 at 18:38, davey_83 said:

Very nice work pal. Never seen a corroded pressure plate to be fair. The JWT clutches are meant to be mega, nice choice. Any pics of the new flywheel? 


Cheers mate, I’m getting on top of it almost there haha! Then I’ll update everything as it gets done I swear 😂

 think it’s just the angle of the camera mate most of that is heats spots/soak aha I don’t give it much abuse so must be previous owner 😂 yes Exactly what I’ve been told too mate and so far so good haha, aside from the Zs clutch engagement point which I have adjusted! yes yes one moment- 

And also show me how paranoid you are I thought saying anything 😂



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Whilst I’ve got some time- continuing the clutch job, 


Did the sensible thing offer each component up to check the fitment is right as last thing we want is to have to take it all back out 😂 


If you can lubricate it do it, just use your brain, Clevis pivot, the tip of the input shaft, the sleeve for the release bearing, and for the love of god use plenty of lube replacing the pilot bearing! we will get to this stubborn pri ck in a second. 

so I always picture things before they come off so you have a reference for refit. 
gave the engine side a mighty good cleanup as it’s good practice, and make sure to clean the box out as it’ll have debris and filth from the last clutch. 


replace the release bearing, I had trouble with mine so I had to persuade it with the press haha!  Always lube the collar/ shaft it runs on inside the box. 

As you’ve got the box out you could the crank seal but I didn’t want to disturb anything I didn’t need to but you could always preempt this. 







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For the pilot bearing, do not lose hope! And don’t just say oh I’ll leave the old one in because if you’ve been given a new one you might aswell just do it! 

1000% the best way to do this is to pack the hell out of it with multipurpose grease as much as you can, bare with me- get a sock and extension, believe it was either an 8mm or 10mm whatever that fits perfectly into the inside of the pilot bearing, pack out the inside of the socket with blue roll as much as you can, push it into the inside of the pilot bearing then **** it with a hammer. 

obviously  the idea is that the only thing to move in this situation is the grease and the pilot bearing so don’t worry, keep going and once it moves you’ll have it out soon enough! then just clean out some of the grease, but leave some haha 



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Usually at work get stressed doing boxes on certain stuff as there’s a clock and a customer involved but I didn’t have that here as I really enjoyed the job due to the Japanese have some sort of method not cackhanded things made to be awkward for the sake of it. 

Pilot bearing in, new flywheel on and bolts threadlocked and torqued, friction and pressure plate aligned and torqued on- important thing to remember is to clean off all components as some oil residue will be left over from machining. 

Box ready on the Jack ( yes some of you lot will be like we don’t get a Jack and a ramp- to you I’ll say I’ve done one on a drive and I know it’s not fun!)  a bunch of bolts sensors plugged in and the starter and gear surround + nob later- we are ready for the worst bit of the entire job, do not think that you’re close to finishing because you’re not-

Mr Masujiro Hashimoto has another surprise! 
Yes replacing the clutch slave is one two bolts and replacing the banjo and fitting the braided line but that’s the enjoyable bit here’s for the next bit! 





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So the procedure is as follows- This is also exactly how it appears in the workshop manual- But you can Definitely trust @ZMANALEX regardless, 


it does take time, it is a faff but if you follow it to the letter and it’ll be done in the best possible time haha! 

This was also followed up by a full 3 stage wash, and a polish and seal, now having a large portion of the car wrapped does present a problem of not being able to polish it and protect it the same, still waiting on my wrap detailer- 

Bring on the next exciting part- a trip down to @Jez @ H-Dev to get it mapped! and also wanted to bed the clutch in first!  









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