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Airbag Light Flashing & Horn Not Working


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As above my DE's airbag light has been flashing for the last few days and i've also noticed horn isnt working.


I have a non airbag wheel with quick release and after market seats (not sure if original seats had airbags).


Does this sound like the clock spring? anyway to be sure before ordering a replacement?



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On reading the title I thought AHA.....JUST A RESET 

But with your seat and wheel mods I think you need one of the forum gurus to chime in.


The only helpful nugget I can provide is if you get a new clock spring, resist the temptation to twiddle or spin it prior to fitting.

When I had mine done the garage said that in the past they'd seen cases where customers had damaged the part like this.


Was everything running fine for a while with the new seats and wheel?


Anyway, hope it's a straight forward fix for you and would be great to see your seat and wheel choice:thumbs:


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Thank you for you reply.


Yeah I originally thought that too and the horn issue was unrelated but a reset didn't work.


Yeah got the car a year ago and it already had aftermarket seats and wheel and had no issues until now. A few months ago I installed the quick release and all was fine. I decided to change wheel from Nardi deep dish to Sparco but I never bothered with the horn straight away but I checked and it worked. I hooked the horn up last week and it didn't work and then the airbag light started flashing...can't be a coincidence!


Thanks for the tip, will make mechanic aware if I do change the clock spring!


Some pics attached!





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Since the steering wheel you have fitted doesn't have an airbag (unlike the OEM one) there must be a resistor wired into the connector to stop the SRS light coming on?


No idea why your horn isn't working but my guess would be that whilst checking that you've disturbed the resistor, which has caused the warning light to come on. 


Similarly there should be a resistor wired into the seat connectors if the originals had airbags but I doubt that's the issue if you haven't been anywhere near them. 

Edited by Jack94
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I've checked the resistors as well as changing the horn fuse and it all seems fine (although this is the first time I've ever looked at them)


I've attached some pictures hopefully someone can see a issue.


I assume if it was a resistor issue it wouldn't effect the horn?






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