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2018 370z nismo engine ticking


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I’ve recently started hearing a ticking noise when pressing the accelerator both moving and stationary, I’ve narrowed the noise down to behind the engine on the back end of it, it’s only just started the past day or two and it’s only when the revs are increased from Idle, I’m swaying towards fuel damper but looking for some other suggestions . 

will upload video or pictures when I can 

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Just now, Jimmy94 said:

Not that I have noticed, doesn’t seem to be a specific Rpm, as soon as I touch the accelerator when idle it starts ticking and gets louder the higher rpms I go 

It happens Clutch in or clutch out incase it helps 

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4 hours ago, BobbyZ said:

Does it happen at specific rpm? Not sure if this affects 370s as well, but I know there was an issue with the cooling system on 350s that caused ticking at around 3500rpm. If that's it then the solution is flushing the system. E.g. this thread.

Any way I can upload or shred a video 

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Just stick the video on YT and share it here. I'm not sure I can help any further as it doesn't sound like it's related to the issue that I was talking about, but hopefully someone else who knows their way around an engine bay will be able to diagnose it.

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I followed the ticking to the evap purge solenoid , unplugged it and the ticking stopped so that’s hopefully the only out of tune ticking i hear. are these always mega noisy or does replacement quiet them


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Yea it’s quite noticeable when driving close to a wall or past cars. and as far as I know it diverts  the vapours from the fuel tank  into the canister or into the cylinder to be burnt off, there’s probably a more in depth description but that’s just my rough knowledge of it. Trying to see if anyone has changed it and if it has gotten any quieter , I know it never used to be this loud. 

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  • 2 years later...

Hi mate 


I changed my oil to Fuchs titan race pro s 5w40 (I’m sure, will check later and confirm the weight) and this seemed to dull the noise down. I know the evap solenois which sits at the back of the engine drivers side can be noisy! I replaced this but turns out they are just noisy at times, I also replaces the vvt valve incase it wasn’t forwarding the timing correctly but this made no difference.  I suggest having a listen / feel of the purge solenoid while it’s running , too see if that’s similar to the noise your experiencing. Then turn the car off and remove the electrical connection on the valve and re start the car which will remove the ticking from the solenoid. This might be what your ears have just tuned into and once you hear it you can’t un-hear it. 


 The titan race oil is ester oil which is recommended for these, I know some dealerships don’t bother and just use cheapest of the cheap so maybe a new oil And filter to  be on the safe side. 

on another note I’m probably 10,000 miles if not more after that post and “touch wood” 

seems to be fine 


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1 hour ago, Jimmy94 said:

Hi mate 


I changed my oil to Fuchs titan race pro s 5w40 (I’m sure, will check later and confirm the weight) and this seemed to dull the noise down. I know the evap solenois which sits at the back of the engine drivers side can be noisy! I replaced this but turns out they are just noisy at times, I also replaces the vvt valve incase it wasn’t forwarding the timing correctly but this made no difference.  I suggest having a listen / feel of the purge solenoid while it’s running , too see if that’s similar to the noise your experiencing. Then turn the car off and remove the electrical connection on the valve and re start the car which will remove the ticking from the solenoid. This might be what your ears have just tuned into and once you hear it you can’t un-hear it. 


 The titan race oil is ester oil which is recommended for these, I know some dealerships don’t bother and just use cheapest of the cheap so maybe a new oil And filter to  be on the safe side. 

on another note I’m probably 10,000 miles if not more after that post and “touch wood” 

seems to be fine 


Thanks for the info mate, any chance you got a picture of where it is/what it looks like anywhere so I can investigate this weekend?

Its due a service in January anyway and I work at a Motor Factor so I will opt for some Very decent Fuchs oil for the next one then.




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18 minutes ago, Jimmy94 said:

No problem mate .


Here’s what it looks like 



And the attached image shows the general location, sits just tucked under that cover at the back of the engine IMG_4251.jpeg.57e08710a94a7dfd94e2f438c72c9cad.jpeg



Cheers mate, most appreciated!



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  • 3 months later...
On 05/12/2023 at 08:19, RichCox350Z said:

Hi Jimmy94,


Mine has just started doing this today. Has there been any update to this since your last post in April 2021?




Hi Rich


Another resurrection of this post but how did you get on (and thanks Jimmy for the original post!)?  Did you have a ticking EVAP solenoid valve?  If you unplugged it, did the noise go away?


I ask as my 370 just started making a ticking noise from the back of the engine and I'm desperately trying to work out where it is coming from.  Lots on the web about fuel dampers clicking but mine is quiet (normal) at start up (from cold) and while warming up.  The clicking only comes in after 2 or 3 minutes when the idle settles down and the engine warms up.  It gets lounder at about 1000rpm and above. The fuel dampers on the fuel rails are below the plenum and my ticking is definitely coming from the back of the engine (nearest the firewall) so I don't think it is them.


Also, if it were the fuel dampers, I'd expect the clicking to be all of the time and not just when warm.  It makes sense that no EVAP is attempted to purge while warming up but then again maybe I'm just wishful thinking.  My mind has been all over the place for a week or so wondering if it is valve clearance, piston slap, conrod damage - all expensive stuff.  I'm hoping it is just something simple.


Might be coincidence, but I changed the oil a week or so before the noise started but I used the same 5W30 Mobil oil that I have used for years with no problem but it seems odd that it started just after this...


Any help or advice would be gratefully received.





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@Dave G hi mate have you tried unplugging the evap purge solenoid yet? Just out of curiosity to rule it out. Fingers crossed and touch wood it’s nothing serious! I had a few restless nights thinking about all the expensive things that it could be 🫠. I used to use Fuchs titan race pro a 5w40 , seemed to dull down any tappity noises . Maybe worth a try ! 

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@Jimmy94Hi Jimmy, thanks for taking the time to suggest unplugging the EVAP solenoid.  I actually tried it as soon as I got home from work as I was really keen to see if this was my problem.  I had my wife holding the car at just over 1k rpm which is where the noise starts to get loud and as it was busy 'ticking' away, I unplugged the EVAP solenoid and the ticking instantly stopped!!!  So, well chuffed that that's all it is!  I've been dreading an expensive bill but an EVAP solenoid is certainly bearable.  Thanks so much for the info here - this has really helped me.  I'm planning on taking a video of the noise (and the effect of unplugging the solenoid valve) and I'll post a link here so others can hopefully benefit from the wisdom of this thread.  I'll try and do that at he weekend.


Thanks again - I'll sleep easy tonight! :)



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39 minutes ago, Dave G said:

@Jimmy94Hi Jimmy, thanks for taking the time to suggest unplugging the EVAP solenoid.  I actually tried it as soon as I got home from work as I was really keen to see if this was my problem.  I had my wife holding the car at just over 1k rpm which is where the noise starts to get loud and as it was busy 'ticking' away, I unplugged the EVAP solenoid and the ticking instantly stopped!!!  So, well chuffed that that's all it is!  I've been dreading an expensive bill but an EVAP solenoid is certainly bearable.  Thanks so much for the info here - this has really helped me.  I'm planning on taking a video of the noise (and the effect of unplugging the solenoid valve) and I'll post a link here so others can hopefully benefit from the wisdom of this thread.  I'll try and do that at he weekend.


Thanks again - I'll sleep easy tonight! :)



P.S I probably wouldn’t bother changing it , they are noisy even when new you’ve probably just tuned your ears into it or heard it as you’ve drive by a wall. Can change it if you please though see if it’s a little less noisy, they don’t cost much If I remember correctly . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just jumping back on here - I've taken a video of the noise and then the difference it makes unplugging the EVAP valve.  I just need to get it on YT and I'll come back here and post a link.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22/04/2024 at 17:45, Dave G said:

Kept on forgetting to put a link to my video, here it is (somewhat later than planned but hope it helps someone else one day...)




Interesting, mines made this exact noise since owning the car, some near 4 years later and I'd traced it to the same valve. Normally happens after I've given the car a good run. It's bothered me but never gone wrong so left it alone


What exactly does this valve do? 



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