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Best old movie you have rewatched.


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Just finished watching LEON again.

I think it's been at least 5 years since I watched it on dvd.

Upgraded to Blu-ray off eBay for a couple of quid.


Unlike some of my favourite action films like John Wick and Pacific Ring which help to showcase a good AV system, although Leon has action a plenty, it supplements a gripping story with emotional performances from Jean Reno and Natalie Portman.

Even Gary Oldman was in his element.

Don't get me wrong though, the score to the film by Serra is fantastic and really makes use of the subs in a system.

Icing on the cake was Sting's song after the tear jerking ending.




What have you rated highly recently whilst rummaging in your back catalogue?

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I don't watch many films; I think the last film I actually went to see was 2 smoking barrels. The film I keep seeing on TV is Independence Day (It was on last night). If only that t!t Goldblum wasn't in it, I would have probably watched it again.

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Wtf is wrong with you people?!?! Independence Day is one of my favourite films ever, right up there with Jurassic Park and Aliens! Honestly love it so much, I can recite it word for word which drives the other half crazy when we’re watching it :lol: 

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Independence Day I get. Aliens is absolutely awesome. However, Daniel, you have let yourself down by using the words “Jurassic” and “Park” together in that sentence.

On the bright side it’s not too late for you to blame it on lockdown, but I urge you to seek help.


Jurassic Park indeed. :rolleyes:





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Aliens is a great shout. Jurassic Park is 10 times the movie Independence Day will ever be. The scene when he thinks he's stalking the raptors, but they're stalking him, is just perfect - clever girl.


Not one of them is fit to lace the boots of Predator.

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For the avoidance of any doubt, I didn't say Independence Day was good bad or indifferent.   I have no opinion on any films at all as I haven't seen many ... probably due to my inability to concentrate on one thing for the period required.  Hell, I even mess about on t'intanet whilst watching TV, playing guitar and picking my nose.   :lol:

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  On 01/02/2021 at 09:34, ilogikal1 said:

Independence Day I get. Aliens is absolutely awesome. However, Daniel, you have let yourself down by using the words “Jurassic” and “Park” together in that sentence.

On the bright side it’s not too late for you to blame it on lockdown, but I urge you to seek help.


Jurassic Park indeed. :rolleyes:






We’re no longer friends. JP is immense. 

I get chills whenever I hear the theme tune, which I have in my music collection so comes up occasionally in the car B) 

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  On 01/02/2021 at 10:47, Stutopia said:

Aliens is a great shout. Jurassic Park is 10 times the movie Independence Day will ever be. The scene when he thinks he's stalking the raptors, but they're stalking him, is just perfect - clever girl.


Not one of them is fit to lace the boots of Predator.


Predator is indeed a classic, but it can’t hold a candle to Aliens. But then we start down the AvP conversation, and no one wants to go there :lol:

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Bought the Alien Anthology Blu-ray boxset for £7.99 a couple weeks ago.

I remember paying £20 just for the ALIENS region 1 import DVD that had to be played on a chipped dvd player.

I'm old fashioned and still like to have the physical discs of my favourites:blush:

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  On 01/02/2021 at 16:04, HEADPHONES said:

Bought the Alien Anthology Blu-ray boxset for £7.99 a couple weeks ago.

I remember paying £20 just for the ALIENS region 1 import DVD that had to be played on a chipped dvd player.

I'm old fashioned and still like to have the physical discs of my favourites:blush:


Can't beat physical media (yet) the UHD streams aren't a patch on the bit rates of the real deal discs.


I had a multi region DVD player, possibly even 1 MR disc!

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  On 01/02/2021 at 05:10, Ekona said:

Wtf is wrong with you people?!?! Independence Day is one of my favourite films ever, right up there with Jurassic Park and Aliens! Honestly love it so much, I can recite it word for word which drives the other half crazy when we’re watching it :lol: 


I only have 2 problems with independence day

1. will smith

2. aMericans in general


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  On 01/02/2021 at 20:43, Ekona said:

Where would you like me to start? :lol:


I mean I enjoyed it as I love the franchises, but it’s not a great film by any means. 



In fairness, there were fundamentally only two problems with AvP. In no particular order, they were:

The concept.

The execution.



Also in no particular order:

Pulp Fiction,

Reservior Dogs,

Empire Strikes Back,



Shawshank Redemption,


Saving Private Ryan,


Die Hard,

Die Hard 2,

Terminator 2,

Human Traffic,

At a push, Falling Down - it's not a great film, but it's re-watchable.


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  On 01/02/2021 at 21:19, ilogikal1 said:


In fairness, there were fundamentally only two problems with AvP. In no particular order, they were:

The concept.

The execution.



Also in no particular order:

Pulp Fiction,

Reservior Dogs,

Empire Strikes Back,



Shawshank Redemption,


Saving Private Ryan,


Die Hard,

Die Hard 2,

Terminator 2,

Human Traffic,

At a push, Falling Down - it's not a great film, but it's re-watchable.



Human Traffic was the film of my youth, perfectly captures the era and the music. 

I said nice one bruv!!!

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Ooft!  Love a good movie and rewatch loads, just a few in no particular order:


The Godfather Trilogy 


A Few Good Men

Most Marvel movies, with End Game being top

Top Gun

First three Star Wars

Saving Private Ryan



Inglorious Basterds

Django Unchained (Tarintino)

In fact all Tarintino

Original Le Mans

We Were Soldiers

All The Presidents Men


Alien series

Deadpool 1 and 2



Batman (Christopher Nolan trilogy)

No Country For Old Men

Ron Burgandy, both

Bad Santa


Burn After Reading

Three Billboards

All Daniel Craig Bond movies

All Sean Connery Bond movies


A Bridge Too Far


Toy Story

Star Treck (Chris Pine lot)

2001 A Space Oddity

John Wick 1,2 and probably 3


The Irishman

To Kill A Mocking Bird

All Mission Impossible

The Big Lebowski

Thunderbolt & Lightfoot



The French Connection 1 and 2

Debbie Does Dallas (first porno movie I watched)

The Searchers

The Train




the List could go on and on.





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