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American elections the best comedy show!


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Whats not so comical is what's not reported on the news. My buddy lives in Atlanta and currently has the BLM movement threatening to torch his entire neighbourhood to the ground if Tump wins, no doubt the Trumpette's have some form of retaliation up their sleeves as well for when he looses. 


It's going to be a @*!# show whatever.

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  On 06/11/2020 at 20:47, DoogyRev said:

Whats not so comical is what's not reported on the news. My buddy lives in Atlanta and currently has the BLM movement threatening to torch his entire neighbourhood to the ground if Tump wins, no doubt the Trumpette's have some form of retaliation up their sleeves as well for when he looses. 


It's going to be a @*!# show whatever.


Unfortunately some people take things too far from both sides - madness! We hear about them out with guns which maybe something normal over there but sounds scary!


But it is nice to see policitians passing comments on camera in total disbelief at Trump's actions and comment, that guy is a total nut job! 


Did anyone see Newsnight last night and the lady in Detroit being interviewed, asked if she was worried about the Trump supporters intimidating them as they count votes ' They can come here if they want, this is Detroit do you think we are scared of them'?  Which I thought was superb! B)


Hopefully things begin to settle down after all this finishes but I doubt Trump will let this lie for months to come.

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  On 07/11/2020 at 09:57, HEADPHONES said:


Trump will never change.



According to BBC news just now Biden has won which is great for normal.sensible people however I have a bad feeling there could be a violent civil war brewing because of Trump's supporters? 

Looking further afield it's going to damage that countries image on the world stage in the same way we did with the Brexit farce! 


Whilst all this is going on all the nut jobs will take advantage. :surrender:

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  On 07/11/2020 at 21:50, formatzero said:

Be interesting to see if anything changes,Obama had two terms to do something about BLM but nothing was resolved,so i'm a bit sceptical.


Who knows I think the first job is to cool everything off and calm everyone down, after the mess Trump left! Things like that don't change overnight but at least if you have someone more 'normal' and diplomatic there is a chance. They have to get away from gun culture for a start:surrender: 

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  On 08/11/2020 at 09:56, stanski said:

They have to get away from gun culture for a start:surrender: 


Never gonna happen, Americans feel its their right to bare arms and protect themselves, there are just too many of them. this will need to be a generational change not presidential term change. 


Sleepy Joe has his work cut out even before he gets to sit in the Oval Office, Trump is not going to be helpful in the transition, but at least Biden can blame things on trump for the first 12months 

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Biden can request a White House eviction of Trump on Jan 20th. I think the supreme court will throw Trumps case out. As it undermines their system and makes US out to be hypocrites when it comes to Elections. Which is not the case but for Trump. 


It will be difficult for Biden over the next 4 years if Republicans dominate the senate. Then again many rebuplicans no longer back Trump due to his disparaging comments on the electoral system.



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  On 11/11/2020 at 19:42, Andy_Muxlow said:

Every time trump loses at anything he blames it on everyone else and how it was all stolen from him. He has no evidence as far as I know so should be thrown out by the courts I guess.


I have worked with plenty of people like that. The ones who make the most noise tend to be the ones caused the issue in the first place. 'it wasn't me it woz him! My dad's bigger than your dad' :lol:

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  On 11/11/2020 at 19:42, Andy_Muxlow said:

Every time trump loses at anything he blames it on everyone else and how it was all stolen from him. He has no evidence as far as I know so should be thrown out by the courts I guess.


Not entirely true, his team have found a sex offender and an eye/ear witness (who immediately recanted his story), they're both kinds of evidence.


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Irrespective of his politics, he could equally be screeching left wing rubbish, instead of right. He's a sociopath and an example of what happens, however clever/stupid/poor/rich you are, if you go your whole life being told that you are better than everyone else, correct (in the face of overwhelming evidence) and never corrected for inappropriate behaviour. It could be his diminished empathy is a genetic condition or a social one - either way, the effect is much the same. Sadly this could be any one of us, if we were treated that way for 70 years. 

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  On 12/11/2020 at 10:59, SuperStu said:

Irrespective of his politics, he could equally be screeching left wing rubbish, instead of right. He's a sociopath and an example of what happens, however clever/stupid/poor/rich you are, if you go your whole life being told that you are better than everyone else, correct (in the face of overwhelming evidence) and never corrected for inappropriate behaviour. It could be his diminished empathy is a genetic condition or a social one - either way, the effect is much the same. Sadly this could be any one of us, if we were treated that way for 70 years. 


Wow that is deep but yes  It's the old nurture and nature bit. Trouble is most of us don't have the finger on the nuclear button or herds (probably appropriate) of gun tottin nutters following your every word, leaders from other counties getting peed off because he makes something up about their country for self preservation reasons and we don't have the power to influence the stock markets with our wild boasts or just plain made up stuff! 


Otherwise excluding the fake tan we could easily be him yup.:surrender:


That must be a fly on the wall TV programme crying out to be made!

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