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A frustrated newbie

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Alright all,

Have recently joined the ranks of 350z owners, and am well pleased with the purchase...for the 24 hours that I have been able to drive it. After going through a clio 172 cup, an Evo VIII fq-300 and an RS4 Avant (a biiiig mistake in hindsight that one) over the past couple of years, i now have a 54 rust GT.


Anyway, had the car for 24 hours before it got returned to the dealers to get the crunchy 5th-6th gearchange sorted. Should be getting back on friday, fixed and with a free bluetooth module chucked, so fair play to camden nissan for that.


So two weeks without the car...just about about bearable. Unfortunately, the car is going to be consigned to the driveway for at least the next 5 weeks thanks to a recently broken wrist. I may just have to sit in it and rev the engine a couple of times, although that could just make things worse!


still a couple of months on, I will be able to look back on this and laugh eh? :blink:

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Hi bud and welcome to the forum. This is all back to front, normally its the " I have ordered my zed and cant wait for it to arrive". Think this must be worse as you will be able to see it.

Anyway, it will give you some time to decide on mods ;)



Oh, can you still use a camera :D

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Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you can't get out and enjoy your ZED. Hope the car comes back mended from from the Docs but your five weeks to mend is going to seem an awful long time :sweat:


So, I'll just take mine out for a spin for you :p

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Aah the RS4...it promised so much but after the Evo it just didnt put a smile on your face like the Evo and how the Zed will. Proper Q car and pulled like a steam train, but its always nice to look back at your car and think 'oh yeah...thats mine' - just didnt get that with the audi. oh, and with 85k on the clock, I was just waiting for something expensive to happen...and it would have done. got destroyed on px as well.


Wrist was done playing footy, trying to avoid my keeper. got out of his way, but landed full weight on my wrist. snapped my wrist, broke the joint and quite nicely displaced. reset twice then reset again and pinned in an op last week. not to be recommended.


photos will be up once its returned, and already toying with the idea of getting the V6 making a bit more noise.



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  cjd1979 said:

Wrist was done playing footy, trying to avoid my keeper. got out of his way, but landed full weight on my wrist. snapped my wrist, broke the joint and quite nicely displaced. reset twice then reset again and pinned in an op last week. not to be recommended. photos will be up once its returned, and already toying with the idea of getting the V6 making a bit more noise.




err.... I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to injuries so not gory pics please :surrender:

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Nice line up of cars. Would be nice to hear your comparisions of Zed vs Evo VIII as my mate has that same Evo and we're always fighting over whos is better. Undoubtly mine is more of a hit with the ladies, as his GF proved when she asked why he didnt get the same as me rather than the Evo B)

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Well, the car is back and the car is fixed, so well done Camden Nissan for that. Havent got the gritty detail on the problem (they outsource the gearbox fixing to a specialist company), so dont know if it was the syncro ring or not, but will find out.


6 weeks of staring at it on the drive now. Not sure whether to laugh or cry!

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  M13KYF said:
so they didn't replace the gearbox then, from what I've heard that is what usually happens under Nissan warranty


It depends what they have more of normally. The parts or new gearboxes. I had the parts done on mine. Best change in the box now! :lol:

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