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Flat battery......


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Hi All,


Like many i haven't used my Zed much with being furloughed and not many places open to visit over the last few months so went to use the car yesterday morning, battery was almost flat wouldn't even try to turn over, the rear wiper was on even tho the switch was turned off :shrug:, jumped it from me dads car, had to leave it running for a few minutes to get mine started, took mine for a good 1 1/2 hour drive, was showing about 14.2 volts on the gauge all the time i was driving.


Used it again this morning, started no trouble, gauge read about 14.4 volts but after about 30 seconds of driving it dropped to around 13 volts, is that normal as i can't remember what it used to read after almost 6 years of ownership :blush:


Surely the battery isn't dead/damaged, my 350z one lasted almost 9 years :) 



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just to follow up, took the Zed out again for a longer drive out to the seaside on saturday :drive1B), stopped n started many times, no trouble at all, didn't use it sunday, used it a bit today again no trouble, hopefully its just a one off due to lack of use :)

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If you've got "free" breakdown cover via work or bank account etc. then call them out and they can check the quality of the battery for you. I'd keep an eye on it though, sounds like the battery is starting to lose its useful life. 


Need at least 12.6V IIRC to turn the engine over. Usually the gauge will show a reading a little higher (usually 14V) whilst it's recharging the battery and then falls down to between 12 and 13V once the battery is topped up (20 mins into a drive). 

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I started to work from home from mid March.

Washed, polished and put the Z to sleep under a cover.

I fitted one of these so I could keep an eye on the battery.



From memory it was towards the end of May that the battery was hitting 12.4 so put it on a trickle charge.


Bought another of the monitors and fitted to the leisure battery of our motorhome.


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When you’re cranking a battery should never go below 9v, have you checked your charge light on the battery etc? does it have any acid leaking etc etc, have you tried a load test? all the lights air con radio up see how low it goes down to, how old is the battery? usually 5 years the life of a battery ours are warranted for 5 year life I think 

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My battery was almost flat a few weeks ago, I charged it and its been great since, but after fitting the Evo r carbon handles I was told that if the battery went flat I would need to use the key and the hole is now covered, to be safe I bought the AA trickle charger from Amazon and it's highly recommended. 

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I've been using the AA one for 5 years now.

Zed is used daily but 2 other cars used infrequently so I top them up every few months.

My Kia is on charge as we speak :lol:

It's meant the Bosch S4 battery in my Mini is still going strong after nearly 9 years.

But the original battery in my Diesel Kia still died after 8 years despite regular maintenance.

Nothing lasts forever I guess.


The AA charger is only 1.5 amps so very slow, and won't work if the battery is fully flat but has been reliable for me over past 5 years and was alot cheaper than a Ctek one.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

Sorry to drag up my old thread, looks like my battery is finally dying /dead, didn't drive it for about 3 weeks, battery was dead as a dodo, got the RAC out as I couldn't find the jump leads, they tested the battery and said it needed replacement, they wanted £154ish plus £80 for fitting, sod that.


would this be a suitable replacement as Google is giving conflicting answers -




If not this one can anyone recommend a decent cheap one ?



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Finally got a break in the weather, easy to get the panels off but how heavy and awkward to get the old battery out 🤬, weighs way more than the Bosch one and no handles either, anyways got the new one in easily, 3 clips broke when putting them back in as they were quite brittle so need to source those, also had to do the window reset, seems to start much better 😀


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