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Why are we all so dumb


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18 year boy apparently died on the weekend. Still seeing people outside socializing, driving with windows down and roof down. Just not bothered. Anybody could be carrying the virus. I told my mom to stay away its just too risky. 


No they will never take it seriously you need enforcement. Just this week Nigeria went from normal screening of incoming to shutting down schools across the country. So they are literally just starting their own lockdown. Next step is the pressure to close down airports and stop all international travel. Army on the streets restricting movement isn't a big deal has been done before will be done again. Close to 5 reported cases all in hospital. Italian guy recovered but some british and french are still in hospital. People complain about NHS the situation there is dire. At least there are action plans.


A period of a month to three months to send the numbers down and keep an eye on whats happening.


My cousins are at home isolating over there.....I heard the UK will move to stage 4 of Boris plan when deaths reach a certain number. Looks a shambles, with so few cases reported in my home country people are already regretting not taking necessary action as far back as January....


Wish Britain had a more serious attitude towards this.


Jump in cases and deaths is inevitable with free movement and continued socializing at all age groups.


Not sure what the aim is for the UK....a lot of people will get the virus and come out unscaved but some wont.


I heard we arent the type of country to have army on the streets and reduce movements. Okay lets see what happens in that case....


Well done to half the population who have heeded the advice and stayed indoors using mainly delivery if available.


Piers Morgan is right. A holiday in Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia isnt what people should be doing right now.




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Buying chickens are following the way of toilets rolls,what next! 


Mad' increase in demand for hens

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With eggs hard to come by in UK supermarkets, poultry breeders and suppliers are seeing a huge increase in demand for hens.

Suzie Baldwin of Hollywater Hens in Hampshire says the industry has “gone mad” this month.

She has had to limit customers to three chickens each, having had people requesting up to 20 birds.

While she has refused to sell to people without the proper set up, she is concerned about what happens to all the animals when those buying them return to work once restrictions are lifted.

Howard Dobson of Poultry Paddock in Staffordshire says he sold a month’s supply of laying hens within 24 hours on Friday, a surge he puts down to people wanting a pastime while self-isolating, as well the lack of eggs in shops.

He also has had enquiries from people wanting to rear their own chickens for meat, which he says is “quite unusual”.

Liz Andreozzi of Sussex Garden Poultry says her phone has not stopped ringing, despite having sold out of her month’s supply last week.

She too is “hugely concerned” about the hens’ welfare and is now looking to put in place social-distancing measures to keep herself and customers safe for any future sales.

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Supermarkets are looking hard at online deliveries now, so much going on with people putting in orders daily and using up way too many slots. What they will do is only allow orders for those that are most at risk i.e. the elderly. Too right too, again so many selfish self entitled people who think they cannot manage without a daily free delivery of their favourite sushi. 


I think we have conclusively shown as a country we are absolutely hopeless in an emergency full of over pampered and self entitled people. As a country, we are an F in the exam. 

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7 minutes ago, ATTAK Z said:

How will they know how old their customers are ? 



They know a lot more than you realise ;) more data analysis happens than you can imagine in supermarket transnational databases, lots of segmentation's exist based on shopping habits. 

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34 minutes ago, coldel said:

Supermarkets are looking hard at online deliveries now, so much going on with people putting in orders daily and using up way too many slots. What they will do is only allow orders for those that are most at risk i.e. the elderly. Too right too, again so many selfish self entitled people who think they cannot manage without a daily free delivery of their favourite sushi. 


I think we have conclusively shown as a country we are absolutely hopeless in an emergency full of over pampered and self entitled people. As a country, we are an F in the exam. 

What's important is making sure I'm ok, my wellness, my physical health, my mental health, my image online, my image IRL, my mad stacks, my career, my overstocked freezer, my bog roll. my feelings, my opinions are as valid as your facts. If you don't have the things I do, you're stupid or a loser or lazy and you certainly don't deserve my help - my time and energy is too precious for that. 


In a way, we're victims of our own success. We've conquered so many obstacles, for so many of the developed countries, that we've forgotten what it took to get here; education, cooperation, empathy, relying on the person next to you and them relying on you. Everyone for themselves, until it goes wrong, then it's your fault, you didn't tell me that, your advice, your mistake.


This might teach us some humility, but I doubt it.

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And there you have it, when you have such a dumb population, we get locked down. You could argue it was inevitable, but in any case people were not listening, because they think they know better. Morons, the lot of them. Bet they still point their finger at everyone else.

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The only reason this was ever inevitable was because of the sheer number of morons in the country...


I mean it was no more than just a few hours ago that certain businesses were still proudly announcing they're open for business as usual; forcing employees to choose whether or not to defying their employer. I now await a whole host of ridicoulous arguments about what constitutes "essential goods". :rolleyes:

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15 minutes ago, ilogikal1 said:

The only reason this was ever inevitable was because of the sheer number of morons in the country...


I mean it was no more than just a few hours ago that certain businesses were still proudly announcing they're open for business as usual; forcing employees to choose whether or not to defying their employer.

The direction is and I’ve watched his address a few times now is:


Stay the f#ck in, in your own time


Work from home if you can


Only go out when you absolutely need provisions/medicine or medical aid with a minimum of outside exercise.


He has NOT told people not to go to work, other than those showing symptoms or have family that are showing symptoms. There is is no ambiguity in that.  



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3 minutes ago, davey_83 said:

Still loads of non key worker jobs whereby people will be at work, mixing with other employees and spreading the virus. 

Yes, that’ll be the next update, non key workers to stay at home, probably without a clear direction on who is or isn’t key workers

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Boris the clueless. 


Exercise, shopping etc


Lol because people will listen....my MDs mate wife works in govt and they already chaired meetings saying the death toll reaches 500 there,ll be no more advisories


The British way. Prioritize liberties over the health of the people


Minimize dictatorship as much as possible


Keep calm and carry on


When @*!# hits the fan by which its too late rush through legislation enforcing what should have been enforced 3 weeks ago


Clothes shops open...why not whose forcing them shut...no one lol......Weakkk.....


In a nuclear apocalypse one form of exercise in your underground bunker


Nip to wet market catch a case of covid 79 :lol: 

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3 minutes ago, GranTurismoEra said:

Boris the clueless. 


Exercise, shopping etc


Lol because people will listen....my MDs mate wife works in govt and they already chaired meetings saying the death toll reaches 500 there,ll be no more advisories


The British way. Prioritize liberties over the health of the people


Minimize dictatorship as much as possible


Keep calm and carry on


When @*!# hits the fan by which its too late rush through legislation enforcing what should have been enforced 3 weeks ago




In a nuclear apocalypse one form of exercise in your underground bunker :lol: 

Your posts aren't making sense, to me at least

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8 hours ago, ATTAK Z said:

Your posts aren't making sense, to me at least

fair enough


Enough hasnt been done....335 deaths now approaching 500. 


3 weeks late for any type of lockdown....


some countries closed airports, shops and schools etc after 20 cases confirmed.


Britain waited for 5000 cases and 335 deaths to take intermediate action


Working according to statistics instead of common sense. We know the numbers are going up daily.


As long as 1 piece of exercise is allowed in the park at 2 meters distance its all good. 




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^ are you worried about the timing of the government's announcement to implement lockdown?


Can you control what is being done? Therefore, focus in what you can control, looking after yourself, family and neighbor. It's a very old and profound way of thinking, oddly no more relevant than now - Matt 22:39 



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13 hours ago, Minid said:

Blimey, you must know all our shopping habits! 

It's amazing what can be done - even calculating things such as sensitivity ratings (so we do not email people marketing on pet products for instance if we believe they have recently lost a pet). So much is done to understand the customer to do the best by them, you still have to put up with a load of grief, and a load of complaints from people who understand square root of zero about how it all works.


Today is the start of a partial lockdown, lets see how we get on. Hopefully it will stop all the holidaying thats been going on and we can finally start giving the frontline staff the respect we so far have done nothing of the sort of. So much rubbish you hear about 'how we should protect our NHS' and 'what heroes nurses are' etc. in debates yet when we had the chance to make a difference ourselves the general public failed miserably. None will admit to it though.

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29 minutes ago, coldel said:

It's amazing what can be done - even calculating things such as sensitivity ratings (so we do not email people marketing on pet products for instance if we believe they have recently lost a pet). So much is done to understand the customer to do the best by them, you still have to put up with a load of grief, and a load of complaints from people who understand square root of zero about how it all works.


Today is the start of a partial lockdown, lets see how we get on. Hopefully it will stop all the holidaying thats been going on and we can finally start giving the frontline staff the respect we so far have done nothing of the sort of. So much rubbish you hear about 'how we should protect our NHS' and 'what heroes nurses are' etc. in debates yet when we had the chance to make a difference ourselves the general public failed miserably. None will admit to it though.

I agree mate. Hope you cant track how many pints of Guiness I drink a month. I think Boris will need to go the next level in the coming days because as has been well documented on this thread there will still be many people ignoring his instructions and going out to see people they don't live with, popping out to break boredom etc more than once a day. He is going to have to police and enforce it because sadly we need mirco managing.

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14 minutes ago, Payco said:

I agree mate. Hope you cant track how many pints of Guiness I drink a month. I think Boris will need to go the next level in the coming days because as has been well documented on this thread there will still be many people ignoring his instructions and going out to see people they don't live with, popping out to break boredom etc more than once a day. He is going to have to police and enforce it because sadly we need mirco managing.

Many people thus far haven't been ignoring last nights message, but it was only stated last night re the lockdown and repercussions. 


Fines will be issued to those that dont follow instruction, via the police. Essential food, x1 exercise occasion per day, medicine, caring and work only  - ignor this at your peril is the message now being given.

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