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Back to work...back in the Zed


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Just finished my 2 weeks Christmas holidays.

For 2 weeks I've been spending time with the family and driving around in a Mini Cooper and a Kia Sportage.

Today I was back to work.

Just me and the Zed commuting.


You don't realise how nice it is to drive until you do without it for a couple of weeks.


Dare I say I even welcomed and missed the characteristic gearknob vibrations that people slated on the Zed's release.

Let's me know the car is alive :lol:

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Feel the same when I jump in my Zed after driving an astra (after the series landy it's like a luxury space ship). It's a very nice place to sit, even traffic lights suddenly don't seam too bad! 


+1 for the gear stick vibrations ;). It just adds to the experience. 

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Agreed. Got into motorbiking last year and every now and again get thoughts of selling the Zed for a cheap and practical run about (normally when I'm stuck behind a queue of traffic doing 40 on a 60mph twisty A road) and upgrading the bike. Then I have to drive one of the work's diesel Astras and after returning to base and getting in the Zed to drive home soon change my mind! There is also the smug satisfaction of driving something a little different (and beautiful!) rather than another drab identical looking Euro box.

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