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Best exhaust option


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Hi just purchasing 370z gt

Looking at buying an exhaust but I want one with a deep nice sound not too loud and without drone.


I am a mature owner so looking at something not obtrusive and just nice sporty sound.


Looked in Tarmac Motorsport seen;







Which is the best option just for nice V6 sound not too loud please.


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If you are sticking with stock cats then the Cobra catback is a nice balance, not too loud but sounds lovely when you nail it, no drone at all either.


The Invidia is very subtle, my friends both have one and with stock cats it gives a nice rumble, real depth to the tone but very quiet, sounds lovely with high flow cats. 

Edited by Dave6188
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If you end up buying and fitting at Tarmac, keep me posted. I'm looking to replace my Cobra HFC and exhaust and probably will be via Tarmac. 


I could offer you a good deal on my exhaust and HFC, if you decide on the 2nd hand route. 

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I have the Stillen (with stock cats) and i love it. I daily my Z so didnt want anything with drone or ridiculously loud, and this is just right.

Nice deep tone when you put your put down, but no drone and not loud when you are taking it easy and cruising.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ark grip. I've tried 3 exhaust variations on the car and the ark grip with stock cats won hands down, after I spent a lot of money figuring out all the options. 

Not too loud but loud enough and the v6 just sings. 


Pay the extra for the ark. You won't regret it 

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I was a bit underwhelmed by the Grip to begin with, having had a CBE + HFCs on my former Nismo, but the sound has got noticeably deeper after putting some miles on. It’s just right for me now.  I’ve had quite a few comments about how good it looks too.  Good choice if you want a sporty sound and can’t be bothered with the hassle that can be associated with adding HFCs.

Edited by sipar69
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I've got the Ark Grip with some HFCs and it sounds bloody amazing when you put your foot down - it really screams in a nice deep tone. It can be a bit loud on startup, my neighbour has mentioned she hears me when I set off to play squash at 6:30am (eek). 


I like the burble when you come off the accelerator and the exhaust itself looks lovely. 

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I had a Stillen CBE and Cobra HFCs on the Nismo.  The sound when driving was amazing but I was always a bit embarrassed starting it up from cold :) Having since reached 50 and now living in a very quiet rural area I feel the sound would just be a bit too much if I added HFCs to the Grip. 

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Cobra has more roar, its loud from 0 all the way to the max. It also pops and burbles on the downshift - as close as you can get to pops and bangs without a remap/decats. 


ARK doesn't really get loud till 3.5k rpm and then it really does sing. Seems like the resonators do a good job on removing tinny sounds and any rasp. 


Both seem to have fitment issues, though the Cobra is easier to chop, repair and move about (lots of clamps and slots). 

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  On 06/02/2020 at 17:17, Umster said:

I've got my Cobra HFC and CBE coming off tomorrow. Getting Tarmac HFC and ARK GRiP going on. 


I'll drop a comment here to give my 2 pence on the change in sound. I'll also be selling my Cobra system so ping me if anyone is interested. 


Hello Umster,

Is it still for sale?

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