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Bilt Hamber double speed wax


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I have mentioned this product before however after 4 weeks of not having to wash the car, (very weird experience) thought I would do a post.




I have used this Auto Balm  before on my classics to bring the paint back to life and hide swirls, scratches.




Its not the easiest to apply, basically wax on wax off straight away lasts for ages. Very impressive and cheap.


Wanting to protect the Stang I coincidentally saw this new speed wax they did. I am guessing its the same as the autobalm but they added the carnauba wax to make it easier to apply. 


Well its bleeding fantastic.


I cleaned the car in warm shampoo solution, dried off then applied this with pad, left it to go off as normal waxes then wipe off with cloth. Very quick very easy. 


Its supposed to be contaminant resistant for 6 months. 

Lets see how that goes but for now, after 4 weeks I keep looking at it thinking oh I need to wash it but no, its fine!


Had a 700 mile round trip over weekend, fly collection on the front bumper. There was a  rain shower overnight when we got home I checked in the morning no flies everything just washed off! 


Honestly for £15 its bargain of the century and you get a pad and cloth too. Ebay is your friend.


Give it a try stop paying through the nose for fancy special wax from some remote island made from fairy poops.




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I bought nattys paste wax after seeing it mentioned a few times. Easy to apply but didn’t have a glossy finish like most waxes. Least glossy wax I’ve used, didn’t like it 

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  On 27/06/2019 at 18:35, LRF4N said:



I bought nattys paste wax after seeing it mentioned a few times. Easy to apply but didn’t have a glossy finish like most waxes. Least glossy wax I’ve used, didn’t like it 


Sorry no beading pics but took this after I finished. The black wheels come up particularly well.


I wanted to protect it from the start also I dont get the time to detail my cars much these days, so its protection rather than show look.


Still beading like the day I applied it. 4 weeks people. One thing avoid use on black patterned plastic it leaves the white marks you get from usual cheapo waxs. For that use the Auto-balm which goes on anything and is clear. 


If you have an older zed in a metallic colour I recon the paint is probably a bit scratchy by now, thats where the Auto balm works a treat. I put some on our 12 year old Rav 4 and wow it came up showroom stylie.




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Have to be honest, it’s one of my favourite waxes on a metallic paint, I find it gives really good, deep flake pop and a wet finish. I prefer it to all of the Dodo Juice offerings, for example, and the only real competitor that I’ve tried is the slightly (ahem!) more expensive AF Desire.


What colour is your car and are you only aiming for gloss?


Yes Auto Balm is a sealant, by the way.

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It’s gloss red so yep looking for a slick gloss


On the first detail I did clay, poorboys black hole, then the nattys blue. The black hole left a nice finish but couldn’t see the difference after the wax


Its due a machine polish which I’ll do at some point this month but looking for a decent wax to top it off. Unless I go down the ceramic coating route


The first wax I used was megs tech wax which is still the glossiest I’ve used yet :lol: 


Dodo juice purple haze gave me excellent water repelling but was still less glossy


In summary, yes I want glossy 

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  On 28/06/2019 at 13:19, LRF4N said:

Looks good. I was more concerned about  the finish on a dry car than beading


Is the auto balm a sealant?


@ilogikal1 how did you find the blue wax compared to others?


Yes sealant. The auto balm is mostly for older cars does a good job of sealing and covering scratch etc. 

But its a pig to buff off if you didnt wipe it straight off. But I use it on everything. I polished the plastic headlights to remove that yellow haze, then put auto balm on and they looked like brand nee diamond bright! 


But that double speed is my new fave. 


Lets see how it goes but my days of £50+ for Polished Bliss midnight sun etc are over. Still a fab wax though and made the Night Blue shine.



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Firstly, apologies for the thread highjack, Stanski!


  On 28/06/2019 at 14:24, LRF4N said:

It’s gloss red so yep looking for a slick gloss


On the first detail I did clay, poorboys black hole, then the nattys blue. The black hole left a nice finish but couldn’t see the difference after the wax


Its due a machine polish which I’ll do at some point this month but looking for a decent wax to top it off. Unless I go down the ceramic coating route


The first wax I used was megs tech wax which is still the glossiest I’ve used yet :lol: 


Dodo juice purple haze gave me excellent water repelling but was still less glossy


In summary, yes I want glossy 


In that case, let me present to you three options of varying costs and efforts;


Option the first; switch to a straight up sealant - gloss is where sealants excell (I resisted the urge to say "shine" here. :lol:). I highly recommend AM Details AM Seal;

And because those pictures are probably Photo*uckit based;




Option 2; the no-effort Gyeon duo; Wetcoat and (/or) Bathe+. Considering the distinct lack of effort, you get a really glassy gloss from both with the added bonus of similar sorts of protection to sealants. I probably has photos of those too...


Option C; Full on ceramic coating. You simply won't get more gloss from anything else. They do cost a lot though and they are much more involved to apply - you can't really get either of the above wrong. But also;






All of this comes with the rather significant caveat that for ultimate gloss; prep! A deep clean and then polish. Then polish some more. And then a little more. Then ceramic coating. Then wash with Bathe+. :D


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Quite impressed with the we’ve managed to hijack this thread.... sorry stan!


I have bathe+ and was looking for a new detailer as well so might go with the wetcoat 


Quick question re bathe+, I get really odd streak marks if I do t dry it straight away. Almost like someone has tried to airbrush some flames onto the paint :lol:  Only used a small amount of it in a full bucket but didn’t measure it am I using too much?

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Sounds like you could be, you really don't need much at all, either that or you're perhaps not quite rinsing enough afterwards - do you use a pressure washer or just a hose?


If you're using it in the sun, I find it best to rinse after every other panel generally to stop it drying out, that usually also results in a bit of streaking.

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Dont worry about hijacking threads etc the point is there are lots of good reasonably priced products out there which are easy to apply, in very tiny amounts so last ages and are almost as good as your fancy top end natural waxes.


Sadly I dont have time for foam lances and 2 bucket cleaning etc , seal it well whatever you use, then a quick wash and wax to keep the dust off as required job done. :thumbs:

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