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any smokers?


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I have never ever tried smoking but I quite fancy it sometimes. Can any of the smokers on here recommend the best way to get started? Should I go out and buy a full pack or am I best bunging one off a mate first? Are there any brands that are easier to get addicted to than others? If I wanted a 40-a-day habit, what times of the day am I best fitting them in? Are there any good excuses I can tell my employer to get outside and puff?


Any help is much appreciated.

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  AndySpak said:
I have never ever tried smoking but I quite fancy it sometimes. Can any of the smokers on here recommend the best way to get started? Should I go out and buy a full pack or am I best bunging one off a mate first? Are there any brands that are easier to get addicted to than others? If I wanted a 40-a-day habit, what times of the day am I best fitting them in? Are there any good excuses I can tell my employer to get outside and puff?


Any help is much appreciated.



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as any none smoker noticed how nice it is to go to your local pub and breathe while you drink ya pint n play pool, while the smokers get **** wet thru outside while having a ciggie :lol:

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Yeah, I can go to the local and come home with hair and clothes not stinking while my hubbie now has to take his big fishing coat to wear while he stands outside - almost feel sorry for him............no I don't actually! :lol:

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  Neo said:
as any non smoker noticed how nice it is to go to your local pub and breathe while you drink ya pint n play pool, while the smokers get **** wet thru outside while having a ciggie :lol:

Oh for sure. NZ government finally put that law into a place a few years back!! Absolutely awesome for we non-smokers!!! Used to hate getting home after a night out clubbing, stinking of disgusting smoker smell, really took the shine of a good night out.


I won't allow smokers in my car, if forced, they must sit on a seat cover so they don't soil the leather with gross smoker smell. :p

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Starting tonight!


Poker evening.... just made a complete muppet of myself trying to buy cigars and not knowing the slightest thing about them.


Which ones would you like sir? no idea... big brown ones please :lol:

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  bronzee said:
Used to hate getting home after a night out clubbing, stinking of disgusting smoker smell, really took the shine of a good night out.


I agree,


eyes irritating, sometimes getting irritated throat etc etc.


Hopefully they find the guts to ban smoking in pubs overhere too, right now its only restaurants.

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No way hate the smell of it... never tried it never will........


Funny all the guys in my team - when an attractive laydee walks past the office,- naturally we have to observe for research purposes - if we see she smokes - no matter how attractive she is everyone turns back round and carries on working - thats how much we all hate smoking I guess? ;)

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