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Leather recolouring - Now with teaser pic!


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Anyone used something like this leather colourant kit? I think my seats are past recovery of normal leather care and I dont think the tan leather suits the "feel" of my car any more, so I am looking to recolour the leather, mostlikely black bolsters and headrest and grey centres (the perforated bit).


Just wondering if anyone has used anything like it before and what the results were like? I have seen a thread on DetailingWorld and the chap seems happy with it :thumbs:





PS I cant afford a retrim and this is a relatively cheap way to achive something similar ;)


PPS Any photoshop wisses, feel free to knock up a GM coupe with these kinds of seats. I did one quickly last night, but its on my machine at home :doh:



**** Update ***** - got the kit from Furniture Clinic, excellent customer service, thanks to Ben@FutnitureClinic for all the help. Here is a quick pic after applying the colourant base coat and ready for spraying. Very happy with the finish so far :thumbs:



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That looks a pretty impressive job , if the finished job is as good as the photo's :)


In fact I cant believe how good it look's, I think I would have to see the finished product in the flesh though before I risked a set of seats ;)

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  lomoto said:
That looks a pretty impressive job , if the finished job is as good as the photo's :)


In fact I cant believe how good it look's, I think I would have to see the finished product in the flesh though before I risked a set of seats ;)

Thats what I thought. Its a shame I only spotted this now as they are based in Gateshead and I was up that way at xmas, could have had a look. Wonder if there is someone up that way that could take a butchers.


As for risking the seats, there isnt much risk as the drivers right hand bolster is getting worse by the day, so if it doesnt work, it just forces me in to having them retrimmed earlier :teeth:

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OK, so I guess it will look something like this:




I tried to recolour the centre of this pic which was a tan/orange colour to grey. Obviously it wasnt leather so the texture isnt right, but you get the idea ;)

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Quick update, spoke to Ben@http://www.furnitureclinic.co.uk/ , hes a very helpful chap and recommended me a kit to go for. I'm going for one of their large kits with 500ml of light grey and 500ml of black to give me the effect I am after. Quite expensive at £90 all in, but hey its cheaper than a retrim and Ben has told me it should get rid of most if not all of my cracks and problems with the current leather.


Once done should be something like:




Will obviously do a write up and let you know how I get on with it :thumbs:

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  bigphil said:
should have called me Chris, just up the road from us, gonna pop over and have a look anyway in the next few days , could be useful for some of our older stuff.

I did think about it, but tbh I kinda wanted it to go wrong so I have an excuse to retrim the lot :teeth:


I was originally going to pop over and see them when I came up at xmas but left it too long to arrange in the end. If you do pop over see if we can sort out some discount for others on the forum :thumbs:

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Thanks guys.


That was after 3 coats of black and 2 coats of grey done by sponge, meant to be a base coat. Been doing the drivers seat today so they are both ready to be given a couple of coats with the supplied air brush, then sealed with the finisher. I'm very impressed with the finish so far considering its just been slapped on with a sponge!


Watch this space :thumbs:


EDIT: Tidied to acutally make sense :thumbs:

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