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Is it me or are drivers getting worse in this country?


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Think I am becoming a grumpy old git before I am old! :wacko:


Spending about 13 hours a week on the motorways I am noticing more and more frequent stupid selfish aggressive behaviour !!


What is it with people?


Common examples I am sure you will recognise?


If you miss your slip road - dont back up over the chevrons - drive to next exit?


If you change your mind and decide to stay on the motorway even though your halfway to driving off the slip road - dont cut across everyone (across chevrons again) into the line of a wagon - that has to jump on the anchors then scare the sh** out of everyone else nearby?


I am sure my aftershave really is'nt the best in the world and I am probably not the best looking bloke in the Universe - so why do you want to see how close you can get to my back bumper even though I am driving fast enough?


Vauhaull Corsas are not faster than Zeds - dont even bother just take your beanie cap off and let some air get to your single brain cell!




Nice to have: You let someone out - a thank you wave would be nice? I know thats a lot to ask for! :dry:


I have to say Mr BMW driver is not the worst w****r on the road anymore?


I would say -(Generalising here of course)


Merc owners - usually the C class?

Black Range rover sports

Renault Espace - they drive em like they are invincible!

Merc Sprinter vans ! Faster than a GT-R!!!


Nissan Navarra pickups



What do you think? Any more to add to the hall of shame?

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Mr White sprinter raced my astra yesterday, to me a race only works if you actually overtake instead of just driving into someone......


The funniest experience in the Zed was driving it home after picking it up. I was on cruise control and every f*ck*r and there little car had to race! Was hillarious!

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Couldn't agree more. Im currently averaging 500 miles a week & the amount of near misses I have or see is amazing.


Seems to me that Golf & Audi drivers are the new outside lane kings. Just a few weeks ago I overtook someone in a golf & she then sped up overtook me & slowed down in front of me until I overtook again then she did the same thing :rant:

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Strange how there appears to be a shortage of replacement flasher units too as there are an awful lot of cars out there with indicators that don't work :dry:


Especially on approach to, and on roundabouts. There's nothing more annoying than waiting patiently on someone already on the roundabout to come past your entry point only for them to exit left at the last minute without a signal! :angry:

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I honestly think your right guys - there must be a national shortage of indicator relays or in fact the indicator bulbs ??


This is already very well progressed in France as always we are late in the day in the UK - but we are getting there - I wonder if Gordon Brown has already levied a tax on indicator units and thats why people are trying to preserve the ones they have by not using them?? I must have missed that Breaking News on Sky!! :wacko:

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my recent gripe is with middle lane drivers. it's quite a basic motoring concept that on the motorway that you take the most inside lane that is suitable unless overtaking, which means when there's nothing at all for miles on the inside lane you don't sit in the middle like you're stupid. it really destroys the flow of the motorway and makes me even later :rant:


every other driver is getting worse and i'm just simply brilliant if im being honest :blush:

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Did'nt you know the outside lane is the new inside lane? Like brown is the new black ?


Staying in the middle is the safe bet - cause you cant be ar** moving -= lazy gits.


Inside lane is normally empty these days?


every other driver is getting worse and i'm just simply brilliant if im being honest


Hey your not a secret BMW driver are you ?? :lol:

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I find it gets worse as I drive North. No problems around London but by the time I get to the M62 its looney tunes.


until you get to Glasgow and they are unbelievably very curteous drivers. they'll slash you from ear to ear if you look at them in a pub but will always let you in when you indicate on the road.


Hey your not a secret BMW driver are you ?? :lol:


never had a bimmer but apparently the second hand market in M6's has crashed so you can get them for around £47k now, and if i had one of them i would stick in the outside lane bullying everyone :teeth: (still can't afford one mind)

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I had to do a "Driver Awareness" course for one of my employers a few years ago and the guy who hosted the session said that if you do 25,000 miles per year there is around a 1 in 10 chance you won't make it back one day. At 30,000 miles per annum he said this steps up to around 1 in 4. He said the biggest thing that affects it is tiredness. When we went out for a 2 hour drive he insisted that we stop at a little chef for a cuppa and a round of toast mid way through. :lol:


It makes a lot of sense but its so damn impractical... :dry:

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my recent gripe is with middle lane drivers. it's quite a basic motoring concept that on the motorway that you take the most inside lane that is suitable unless overtaking, which means when there's nothing at all for miles on the inside lane you don't sit in the middle like you're stupid. it really destroys the flow of the motorway and makes me even later :rant:


every other driver is getting worse and i'm just simply brilliant if im being honest :blush:


Middle lane drivers don't bother me, as I don't move out of the fast lane :blush::lol:

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I had to do a "Driver Awareness" course for one of my employers a few years ago and the guy who hosted the session said that if you do 25,000 miles per year there is around a 1 in 10 chance you won't make it back one day. At 30,000 miles per annum he said this steps up to around 1 in 4. He said the biggest thing that affects it is tiredness. When we went out for a 2 hour drive he insisted that we stop at a little chef for a cuppa and a round of toast mid way through. :lol:


It makes a lot of sense but its so damn impractical... :dry:


I have to do a commentary drive - like advanced driving test, every year with work. We also have to do theory every two years. :yawn: and skid car training! :teeth:


Every year I learn something new. I find it a drag to get yourself into it but I really feel like I learn something. Skid car is awesome fun!

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When we went out for a 2 hour drive he insisted that we stop at a little chef for a cuppa and a round of toast mid way through.


Was he a lardar*e by any chance - probably just wanted a cuppa and a strawberry pancake every 2 miles!!


Na seriously I've started taking a bottle of water in the car these days and something to munch on if I am going any distance?


Martin!!! Just go and wash your mouth out please - a Northern Lad too - :headhurt: Please do not imply us Northern folk are worse drivers than our London Village (that small town) counterparts! :lol: You do know some have managed to escape the M25 entrapment barrier and run free onto the M6 and M1 - these are probably the ones in Beemers causing us bovver ! :lol:


Your right about Glasgow - the only place I have driven through where everyone is friendly on the roads and they stick to the limit! I do know why!! The coppers don't take any sh** from you - so best not to take any chances !! :wacko:


Took a wrong turning once and drove through a select part of the Clyde - it was like being back in the 70's zoiks - I have not felt so scared - at traffic lights praying they would change to green :scare:

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