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Help with driveshaft removal


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I have successfully removed the passenger side, but the driver side is the problem.


I have removed all of the bolts, 6 x 14mm diff side and 32mm hub nut, and tied up the driveshaft so it doesn't drop. 


The problem is that I can't push the wheel hub end of the shaft through, it seems stuck, the passenger side was persuaded with a rubber mallet, but the other side doesn't want to budge.


Has anyone else experienced this, how did you get round it? Any tips or tricks for freeing it up so I can push it through. 


Thanks in advance.

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Will just be sticking on the splines.

As Jack has said, put the nut back on flush and give it a good whack with a heavy hammer.

Once you have broken the seal slacken off the nut a few threads and go again.

Then remove the nut and use a 1" brass/aluminium drift or similar to knock it through.

Best to get an extra pair of hand to hold the drive shaft in a horizontal position when you are chapping away.

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