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Smf or dmf


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Hey guys I know this has been done to death so I’m saying sorry now lol.


My car is a 2004 plate with about 94k.


I recently went to TGM sport in fleet with what i suspected was either the flywheel or clutch release bearing making a right old racket whenever I release the clutch or at low revs. The noise however disappears when I depress the clutch pedal. They had a quick listen and reckon it was the clutch release bearing. 


I can also feel quite a vibration through the gearstick with a noticable shake and also what feels like a rough idle through the driver’s seat. So possibly flywheel?


I also asked their opinion on smf and lightened aswell cause I like the look of the xtreme kit. Now the car is my daily and most of that is backwards and forwards to work, in stop start traffic and a bit of motorway. They told me to stick with dmf and avoid smf, but the opinion of smf on here seems to be the opposite?


I just wanted to get your opinions on it and also whether anyone in the area that has the xtreme kit on there 350 is available so I could have a listen and feel (giggity) to help me make up my mind.


Also i have noticed no record of the clutch or flywheel ever being changed which seems pretty impressive if that is the case given their reputation.


I’m based in Farnborough but work in Bracknell if anyone in the area has the xtreme kit if its possible for me to meet up that would be handy, sorry for the essay lol.


Cheers guys


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