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If only he knew...


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Remember the guy I sold my last Z too.... yeh thats right the one who had it up for 50k :wacko::wacko::wacko: Well I took the liberty of emailing him from my girlfriends email from his ad on pistonheads to tell him straight what an idiot he was making of himself and to have a bit of fun... here is how it went:




> Hi please note that your veilside wide arch 350z is

> not the only one in the

> UK. It use to be but not anymore, there are in fact

> 4 high spec ones in the

> UK now. Also please note that your car is not worth

> 30k anymore, people are

> laughing at the price you have it up for. They are

> also laughing at you. It

> is now probably only worth about 23K depending on

> mileage. You have way over

> priced. You even priced at 50k before and said car

> cost 20k and installation

> of the kit and everything is 20k how on earth do you

> make that 50k???? Did

> you study maths at school???? You are giving the

> 350z a bad name, I suggest

> you either price it at the correct price or dont

> bother posting it up at

> all. And no Im not interested in your car... nor is

> anybody else by the

> sounds of it,..



guess what.. thinking its my girlfriend who emailed him he replied:


> Thank you for your comments. I am afraid that the

> £50k advert was a typo.

> £30k is priced accurately according to most car

> enthusiasts and experts so

> forgive me for not taking advice from a stranger on

> the internet who

> probably knows as much about cars as I do about

> Midwifery.


> In response to your other comments, other "high

> spec" cars do not

> necessarily contain the exact same setup as this

> vehicle and as far as my

> research extends (which is much further than yours

> evidently), this car is

> still the only one with the setup you see here. I

> also hold an A-level in

> Maths as you expressed such an interest in my

> education and a 1st class

> Honours Degree in Computer Science (of which 1/3 of

> the course is

> Mathematics based).


> Please feel free to add any other constructive

> comments that you might have.

> I am sorry that you cannot afford my car, better

> luck next time.


> I trust you will appreciate my intent to completely

> ignore your email post

> this reply and continue with my advert and just so

> that you have all of the

> information that you need before you word rudely

> written emails out of

> ignorance, the interest in the vehicle is quite

> different to how you have

> described it. The only thing holding up the sale of

> the vehicle is that I

> am waiting for the car to come back due to some

> damage to the leather seat

> inside.


> Kind regards,


> James





I cracked up at the words in bold... :lol: If only he knew :lol::lol::lol::lol::yahoo:

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  Chesterfield said:
Dont be too harsh guys - this is a fellow Z owner after all. May be trying his luck on price a bit, but lets not be nasty... :blush:

Look at it this way, it might bring the value up of your 350's priced there for sale ones up a bit. ;) Market forces. ;)

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:lol: true just bit of fun, if anything just wished he used his own pics and not mine :blush: and since i was known in my area for having that car and my drive way was quite recognisable, dont want people to think its me selling it and being made a laughing stock of. sarnie you traitor pmsl :lol::lol::lol:
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  Chesterfield said:
Dont be too harsh guys - this is a fellow Z owner after all. May be trying his luck on price a bit, but lets not be nasty... :blush:


Got to say I agree - good luck to him I say - a car's always worth whatever someone will pay for it whether that's 30k or 30p. You bunch of rotters!

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  Digsy said:
Its probably good that this guy has an over optimistic view on the car's value or you'd never have made such a profit selling it to him, Jay. :)

+1 - be grateful you were the one on the selling end of his naivety and took him to the cleaners price wise! Be happy you made a good chunk of profit and leave the poor guy to lick his wounds over his soon to be apparent loss!


I do think you have every right to tell him to take down the pics though as you own the copywright on them :thumbs:

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I did tell him.... twice :dry:


But yeh you guys are right I should have been a bit more understanding... but I doubt 50k was a typo considering he posted twice under that amount.. My bad... who's first in line to spank me? and no louis you cant go first :lol::p

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  Zedrush said:
I did tell him.... twice :dry:

I cant remember but did you raise that with pistonheads? Sorry if you have, but I'm sure if you tell them they are in breach of copywright by showing those images they will remove them if you can send them perhaps one of the originals which should be much higher res than he has posted. :)

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  Chris`I said:
  Zedrush said:
I did tell him.... twice :dry:

I cant remember but did you raise that with pistonheads? Sorry if you have, but I'm sure if you tell them they are in breach of copywright by showing those images they will remove them if you can send them perhaps one of the originals which should be much higher res than he has posted. :)


Hmm no didnt do that, I pm'd him directly twice and never got a response.. I will do though cheers pal, :thumbs:


Nixy am ready and waiting :lol:

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For fear of being ostrisized i personally think you are being very unfair, at the end of the day its a guy selling a car. Yes agree he should not generalise and judge someones knowledge on there sex, but why email him trying to get a reaction, would it not be better to email the seller explaining you are the previous owner and that he may have some of his facts are wrong which may cause him greif during the sale. I know if i got a email like that when trying to sell a car i would be pretty pi$$ed but you cant judge him on his price. The value of an object is how much someone is prepared to pay for it, if someone pays 30k for it, they obviously believe its worth that.


Sorry to cause any hassle, just thought we needed a bit of common sense on this forum.

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  dcash5 said:
For fear of being ostrisized i personally think you are being very unfair, at the end of the day its a guy selling a car. Yes agree he should not generalise and judge someones knowledge on there sex, but why email him trying to get a reaction, would it not be better to email the seller explaining you are the previous owner and that he may have some of his facts are wrong which may cause him greif during the sale. I know if i got a email like that when trying to sell a car i would be pretty pi$$ed but you cant judge him on his price. The value of an object is how much someone is prepared for it, if someone pays 30k for it, they obviously see its worth that.


Sorry to cause any hassle, just thought we needed a bit of common sense on this forum.


+1 :thumbs:

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  dcash5 said:
For fear of being ostrisized i personally think you are being very unfair, at the end of the day its a guy selling a car. Yes agree he should not generalise and judge someones knowledge on there sex, but why email him trying to get a reaction, would it not be better to email the seller explaining you are the previous owner and that he may have some of his facts are wrong which may cause him greif during the sale. I know if i got a email like that when trying to sell a car i would be pretty pi$$ed but you cant judge him on his price. The value of an object is how much someone is prepared to pay for it, if someone pays 30k for it, they obviously believe its worth that.


Sorry to cause any hassle, just thought we needed a bit of common sense on this forum.


Well said, another point to consider is that this forum is open to anyone to view, even the guy's who's trying to sell his car!!

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  dcash5 said:
For fear of being ostrisized i personally think you are being very unfair, at the end of the day its a guy selling a car. Yes agree he should not generalise and judge someones knowledge on there sex, but why email him trying to get a reaction, would it not be better to email the seller explaining you are the previous owner and that he may have some of his facts are wrong which may cause him greif during the sale. I know if i got a email like that when trying to sell a car i would be pretty pi$$ed but you cant judge him on his price. The value of an object is how much someone is prepared to pay for it, if someone pays 30k for it, they obviously believe its worth that.


Sorry to cause any hassle, just thought we needed a bit of common sense on this forum.


I totally agree with you, and fair play for saying that,


but to be brutally honest, I just wanted to see if he would reply. I emailed him twice before asking to take the pics that I took of the car down, as its taken from my drive way and i was a bit funny about it, because I didnt want people to think it was me still trying to sell the car. He didnt reply to either of my emails, and my pics of my house and driveway were still up... :dry:


So from then I decided to have a bit of fun and see if he would respond to a different kind of email (antagonizing one) from a different address, to which he did... funny that.. :dry:


Now I wanna know how he has the time to respond to that email yet not to two of my own... i just found it amusing of his response and have gone to report him to pistonheads in order to take my pics down..


What he wants to sell it for and mocking him for his ambition I was not celebrating, but since I got a response I found it funny to post up.. in reflection to my previous two that he has clearly ignored...



So there was a reason that instigated my third move...If he hadnt of replied then I would of figured he posted up the wrong email or doesnt bother reading them. Which would of led me to call him, but I wanted it in writing first and calling was the final cord.


If you wanna stone me still feel free :lol:

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I’m not out to 'stone' anyone and I agree that you should not use your pictures as it would not be a true representation of as the car now stands, thing I had an issues was that you were using the media of the forum to ridicule someone. I know on other owner club forums it is strictly forbidden to post up other peoples car strictly to bad mouth, which I personally believe is a damn good rule. My post was more a plea to the moderators

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  dcash5 said:
I’m not out to 'stone' anyone and I agree that you should not use your pictures as it would not be a true representation of as the car now stands, thing I had an issues was that you were using the media of the forum to ridicule someone. I know on other owner club forums it is strictly forbidden to post up other peoples car strictly to bad mouth, which I personally believe is a damn good rule. My post was more a plea to the moderators


fair enough mate, if the moderators want to delete it then they can be my guest although they dont need my permission for that, I didnt post his whole response either just part although Im sure you will feel that doesnt change the principles of my action as being wrong. The fact that I have revealed myself to him straight after that email saying if you can respond to this then respond to mine by taking down the pictures.. still probably does not justify the right for me to post the email response either. He is probably ridiculed enough by the fact that he knows now that he has responded to the original owner. Just wanted to clarify my reasonings why I went to such lengths so you dont think im an email bully and wanted to share it with the rest of you :teeth: And to be honest I didnt see anything wrong and still dont in what i done, but you are entitled to your opinion and if this thread offends you then feel free to get the mods to delete it :thumbs:


another thing, to what extent can we draw the line where we are not ridiculing someone? When someone tries to sell a turbonator for a 350z on ebay and we use this forum to show the listings and have a laugh is that not a breach, when we had posted this guy trying to sell the car before on another thread and we all had a good laugh about how much he had it up for, again is that not a breach... gets hard sometimes to know where the lines lay..

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