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I posted this on the my350z.com just to analyse if they understood british humour, got a pm from a member saying " .....we americans are much stronger minded and would never wimper out on a cold...." Then saying "...British men must be a bunch of faggots" :wacko: My goodness if half of the idiotic rednecks over there had any brains, the world would be a dangerous place????? :headhurt:


Just replied back saying: "Why thank you for indicating that and bringing that to my attention. Now run along back to your campavan as your sister is probably pregnant with your child, oh and a word of advice, the light at the end of the tunnel is probably an oncoming train.." :boxing:


Did I go too far? :blush::teeth:

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I posted this on the my350z.com just to analyse if they understood british humour, got a pm from a member saying " .....we americans are much stronger

Well I guess there was "Cheers", "Mash" and a few other programmes, but in general, not such a dry, wry wit as Pommies have. ;):lol::p


Hope you have you flamesuit all prepared for my350z. :lol:

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I posted this on the my350z.com just to analyse if they understood british humour, got a pm from a member saying " .....we americans are much stronger

Well I guess there was "Cheers", "Mash" and a few other programmes, but in general, not such a dry, wry wit as Pommies have. ;):lol::p


Hope you have you flamesuit all prepared for my350z. :lol:


ah sod em, some over there are alright others need to recheck reality and realise that life is not a hollywood movie and to get over themselves :lol:

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