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  On 15/02/2018 at 08:08, Rock_Steady said:

Anyway, what's the benefit if the earth is flat? Doesn't change my life. If it's flat it's flat, i'm happy to accept it, if it's round it's round! Bonus. I guess the FE crew can say " Ha!, told you so" ........... and then?  A disco? 



After a quick Google - Disco is a musical style originating in the early 1970s.   ;)


Also a few have said they don't care if the earth is flat or a globe. I DO! If it's flat can someone tell me where the edge is please I don't want to fall off :scare:


There Be Monsters!!!!!





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You know what, i'm going to start my own movement. The " i think the world is slightly not flat ( mountains ) and not quite round movement " And i'm going to prove it to be true armed with a set square and my Casio calculator watch. Undeniable evidence is coming your way!! Prepare to be spell-bound! :boxing:

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  On 16/02/2018 at 07:46, Keyser said:


After a quick Google - Disco is a musical style originating in the early 1970s.   ;)


Also a few have said they don't care if the earth is flat or a globe. I DO! If it's flat can someone tell me where the edge is please I don't want to fall off :scare:


There Be Monsters!!!!!






You'll be fine Chris as a disc exerts gravity as well, just in a very different way.  You won't fall of but you will learn to walk at some extremely weird angles.


Flat Earth Gives Major Calf Burn Workout

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Why do such a half arsed job with the name change? If they really weren't in the rocket, they'd have been forced to have a proper name change like if they were in the witness protection programme. These people believe everything can be faked, and the only way to prove it to them would be to fly them up there, in the same way the only way to prove to an atheist there is a God would be for them to meet a deity. 

But even then both parties would blame it on a hallucination. 

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So what your saying is you are banging your head against a brick wall when it comes to convincing some people of the obvious. - I agree but no idea how you can do anything about it.

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I enjoy watching documentaries on scientist thoughts dark matter, if what they say is real it's very evident throughout the universe and they just can't seem to understand why so much order is visible. 


Physicists even says it's possible it's what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Watching the BBC How The Universe Works series, dark matter is spoken as if it has a consciousness and is a working hand governing everything. If you get chance it's interesting nevertheless.

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If NASA, The NSA or the DIA wanted to hide a fact or change peoples names what they usually do is purge all documents in reference to that person and deny all knowledge of said people. They never visited, applied or worked there. End of story. This would be handled much like the Robert Lazar case. 


"It's all Fake". The problem with people in general is, they will pick apart a FACTUAL  event and turn it into a conspiracy theory such as the Titanic, The JFK assassination, 9/11 and of course the 1969 moon landing. So nothing really stands a chance as being taken seriously. 


If the earth is flat, i'd imagine so is the moon and all the other bodies in a our galaxy. So riddle me this:


How do you explain a crescent moon if it's flat? i know it's not the Earth but it stands to reason. How does it make a crescent shadow? Surely if it's flat that wouldn't be possible. 

Edited by Rock_Steady
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I don't think the moon is flat.


At a glance what in essence is fake about the video posted above? Those crew members were never reported to have died? Sorry to ask a silly question as id like more input on ''its all fake''. im asking which part? ie they never died a couple minutes after launch? they were never astronauts? the people shown currently today are diffenret people which look similar and some with the same/similar names.

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I do find it all rather ironic that people who believe those astronauts died, or that the world is round because thousands of sources tell you so, are deemed close minded. But are told this by those who blindly believe some junk found on the internet which is produced by even more closed minded people. If an alternative theory is put forwards it needs to be more than an 8 minute video put together by a 12 year old sat bored in their bedroom googling stuff. None of that video shows evidence that has been robustly found, proven, QC'd, peer reviewed etc. 


Have a read https://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/challenger.asp


To be quite frank, if someone did somehow put something on YouTube that was a revelation, it would be 'removed' very promptly. I find videos like that more humorous than insightful.


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The irony of using a video to prove a different video is faked is rather funny. 

"All space launches are fake and its CGI, but now look at my non fake CGI video." :lol:

In the same way he denounces all NASA video as fake, why can't we do the same about his? Why is his video more credible than a NASA/USSR video? He doesn't display the Astronauts doppelganger image complete with ID and birth certificate, and if he did, it would be easy enough to denounce THAT as CGI. As previously stated, this is an unwinnable argument when it comes down to media analysis, and we might as well be arguing about which is the one true God. My feelings that the earth is spherical is based upon the maths of a changing horizon based on height, which is provable. I do believe we have been to space, as to denounce space as fake but still be able to see the space station when it orbits most nights is ludicrous. The guys argument seems to be that scientists are faking space travel to prove evolution and denounce God. He's perfectly happy to accept that everything seen on TV is fake, but able to accept that the Bible, that has a myriad of interpretations and versions, and is ultimately just a book is not fake. Now I'm happy for people to be religious, or even not, but I get really frustrated with people who try to force there views onto people, through threats (hell or violence) or trickery (trying to disprove science) or by being overly preachy. Ricky Gervais annoys me as much as any religious preacher. 

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For me I think that's my problem, these 8mins videos appeal to simple minded folks like me I guess and are about a technical as 5+5 = 10. I asked a straight forward question, 100% not being funny or smart - which part of the video is fake news? ie


they never died a couple minutes after launch? or


the people shown currently today are diffenret people which look similar and some with the same/similar names?


and I get back answers about religion and CGI.......

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Yeah sorry, I did seem kinda ranty. The video mentioned CGI and religion, I picked up on that thread. I think with the billions of people on the planet it is likely that there are enough that look similar, esp after you add 20 ish years to the original pictures from NASA. Yes the video suggests the names are similar, but I don't think that's proof enough. I do feel that if the astronauts really weren't on the shuttle, they wouldn't be allowed in the public eye like some of them obviously are, and the names wouldn't be that similar. My point about CGI was more along the lines that picking holes in that clip, is the same as what that clip is doing to NASA images. Its easy to pick holes claiming video clips are fake/doctored, how do we know the people in the clip actually have those names, just because that guy says they do? 

Did you know there is also a Hollow Earth theory? 

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Cheers Jay, and no I didn't lol


I understand about a bold claim lacking evidence or peer review and the correct means to post. But we live in a world with cell phone footage being used in the media ie straight to news or social media. Planes flying into buildings all footage was from mobile phone with 240p resolution. My point is weather a video of a shop raid is posted by the BBC or Bob of FB, if it's the same footage it very well could be truth. Bob was the eye witness and all his FB friends saw it 6hrs before the 6 o clock news and 14hrs before the papers. 


Peer review and robust checks in the above case would have nothing to do with weather or not the footage was fake or not.


Noam Chomsky I like

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But Bob is the principle data controller of that footage, he has actual eye witnesses. Much like NASA and astronauts, they took the footage and have thousands of witnesses to it. They also planned and released details of how they achieved what they achieved. 


The majority of conspiracy videos are people who were not there, finding stuff on the Internet with no credibility, then posting it as their own alongside coincidental evidence and asking people to disprove them as if they have proven something - which they havent. The Snopes page clearly shows how easily explainable that particular video is, so it's up to the video maker to counter that, which of course they can't because they don't own the knowledge and it's something they made up sat in their bedroom.


Confirmation bias is a very important concept to understand as it is prevalent in a lot of conspiracy theorists. Glaring holes in theories like flat earth such as constellation positions are continually ignored and not addressed. Gravity is solved by inventing something with no actual evidence at all and in fact makes no sense as if the age of the world were true then the constant acceleration would now have the planet travelling at something like ten thousand times the speed of light...which would lead to some interesting phenomenon here on earth. Of course there is a slight of hand here by conspiracy theorists, they push people away from critiquing their theories and into debate around, quite frankly, dross like that video. 

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I believe evidence is subjective.


I know lack of evidence is a major blocker for people with most regards, and yet not everything in existence can be scientifically proven.


Dark matter isnt seen, or heard, or measurable, can't be replicated, tested, understood or worked out but most physicist believe it to be real without any evidence.


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