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Dash Light Colour - Any UK people changed it?


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I want to change all the amber lighting on my interior to white, anyone got any experience with that in the UK. There is a guy over the pond who has done a lot of work on it and offeres it as a service but it would cost to much to send all my stuff over and then have it sent back.





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Search on www.my350z.com - its a mission and a half, and thats an understatement. Every light up part of the interior bar the dome lights are LEDs, which means you have to unsolder and resolder every LED to the new colour. The guys on my350z spent ages getting the right LEDs to give the same light output and not burn out etc and even then they arent 100% convinced it will last.


I wanted to do this to change all my dials and lights to blue but decided it was too much of a mission. Oh and you will also need to change the dial faces as they are amber too, even if the light behind isnt ;)

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I've seen it on m my350z and was wondeirng if anyone over here has done it. The guy over there will not share what LEDs he is using etc as he is offering it as a service however it woudl cost too much to send the stuff over.


Just really need to know what LEDs to use etc as you said it is not easy.

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  ColinS said:
I've seen it on m my350z and was wondeirng if anyone over here has done it. The guy over there will not share what LEDs he is using etc as he is offering it as a service however it woudl cost too much to send the stuff over.


Just really need to know what LEDs to use etc as you said it is not easy.

If you dig back far enough I think there is a post where he states the LEDs, before he started to offer the service. Its split between a few threads iirc. The newest thread (not the one you want) goes on about people bitching he wont tell them the LEDs as he's offering the service but there was a more experimental thread where he did list what he was trying, finding they were buring out and finally found one he thougth was working. In the other thread he then says they have worked since but wont say what they are. Thats what I seem to remember when I last looked! :thumbs:

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