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0-100 in 4.4 seconds...


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Tesla have just annouced details have of the new roadster. 0-100 in 4.4 seconds, 200kWh battery = 650 miles of range. Production date 2020. Same price as a 911 Turbo S.


Oh those are the 'base' specs....better get saving ;)


They also announced a truck with a 450 mile range at highway speeds, but no one cares about that.



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A friend of mine reserved one last night, he's only 22, works next door to Tesla :)


He says:

"Car is $200K for base and $250K for founders series. $45K down tonight for base. $245K down tonight for Founder series. Only 1000 founders series. Definitely will be in the millions soon."




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....I hate Tesla, good looking saloon but ...wheres the noise? Wheres the fun? (you need more than the feeling of speed for that). I've seen a few interiors on cars in person too and there awfully bland. I don't like the look of the future for cars...  :(

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The wonderful thing about roadsters is that when you take the top down you experience the visceral of sound...well, in most you do. 


As per all the other EV stuff, numbers do not impress me, theatre does - the constant absence of that makes them not worth the effort. Unless i want a car to drive from A-B in a sensible dull fashion of course ;)  Pretty sure will get one at some point in the future when I dont have to remortgage to get one but for fun, not a chance. 

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  On 17/11/2017 at 23:01, AMT said:

....I hate Tesla, good looking saloon but ...wheres the noise? Wheres the fun? (you need more than the feeling of speed for that). I've seen a few interiors on cars in person too and there awfully bland. I don't like the look of the future for cars...  :(


A P100D accelerates at roughly 1.1g to 60mph, unless you experience it for your self you simply cannot understand the ridiculous amount of power on offer.


If you do the maths thia roadster will be doing 1.4g to 60, and 1.1g all the way to 100. Those are mind boggling numbers. Am also not sure how tolerable that is for most normal people, i felt sick after doing 3 full bore launches in a P85D, and that thing maxs out at just about 1g in acceleration.


Sadly the price is also far beyond what most people can afford, but a whole load of current P100D S/X UK owners seem to have preordered one, which means hopefully a flood of P100D S cars appearing on the used market in 2020/21.


We had preordered a Model 3 for my wife, but if we can get a used P100D S for sensible money in 2020/21 that would be the more attractive option.


Eitherway I've just started another Tesla savings fund, got 3 years to fill up the piggy bank :).

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  On 18/11/2017 at 05:40, gangzoom said:

A P100D accelerates at roughly 1.1g to 60mph, unless you experience it for your self you simply cannot understand the ridiculous amount of power on offer.


If you do the maths thia roadster will be doing 1.4g to 60, and 1.1g all the way to 100. Those are mind boggling numbers. Am also not sure how tolerable that is for most normal people, i felt sick after doing 3 full bore launches in a P85D, and that thing maxs out at just about 1g in acceleration.


Sadly the price is also far beyond what most people can afford, but a whole load of current P100D S/X UK owners seem to have preordered one, which means hopefully a flood of P100D S cars appearing on the used market in 2020/21.


We had preordered a Model 3 for my wife, but if we can get a used P100D S for sensible money in 2020/21 that would be the more attractive option.


Eitherway I've just started another Tesla savings fund, got 3 years to fill up the piggy bank :).



Therein lies the problem, the guy talks about noise and fun, you respond about acceleration and G-forces. The two are not the same - for many people they can have as much fun on a track in an MX5 as a GTR. If everyone on here felt driving was all about the power they would be buying turbo Supras. Its probably why there is so little enthusiasm on this forum for your passion for EVs. 


Sure I bet there is a bit of woah sitting in one and launching, but thats probably 1% of a driving experience for me, I guess its much more of the experience for you.

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Exactly. How many times do people sit there and do a standing launch, compared with regular driving that involves lots of 30-60 and includes many a corner? I used to love LC in my old car, but I used it probably 10 times in four years. Nailing the brakes into a corner, balancing the throttle on entry, transferring mass across the axles, and enjoying the noise as the revs rose I did much more often.


An EV is a perfect choice if you live in a city and want something with minimal running costs. Until they can reduce the mass of the batteries and motors, a sports car it ain’t. And even then you’ll never ever get the noise and the smells...



The Tesla lorry is a far more important launch. However, given the state Tesla find themselves in right now, this was a poor time to reveal more vehicles.

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Yes the lorry launch is one I was more interested in! If they can provide a lorry that can react to speed changes better than they do now - also I noticed it had anti jack-knifing technology, all useful stuff.


Given the billions of taxpayers dollars that have kept Elon afloat the last ten years, about time he knocked up something useful ;)

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I saw a great post on pistonheads, rare i know, but it goes something like:


The showmans hand book:


Hows the model 3 production issues Elon:


Look a squirrel


Look another squirrel with a santa costume


Basically distract the audience from the real issues, if you cant see past the trick of the hand, there is no hope, but the model 3 will be the making or breaking of Tesla, not headline grabbing figures that do nothing else, you would think his bold claims of 1500 cars a month for the Model 3 which is more like 220 would be of much more of a concern to him and people ordering Teslas. smokes and mirrors.


P.s An Ultima GTR 1020 is very very near the same figures, whats the big deal, but we know which way this thread will go, have fun :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 19/11/2017 at 09:56, AMT said:

I'm just gonna leave this pic I've posted before... says it all and it came with plenty of noise going through the twisting roads :teeth: I doubt I'd have as much fun in ANY Tesla...





Great pic! Not many charging points nearby for a Tesla either by the looks of it too.



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I'd have an EV as my company car absolutely. Charge it at work, drive home, drive to work next day. Happy Me. For my fun multisense engaging weekend car I wouldn't do it. I think with the amount of industrial vehicles on the worlds roads, I agree that the truck is bigger news. Just need Tesla plains and trains now lol. 

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Great pic! Not many charging points nearby for a Tesla either by the looks of it too.


Exactly.... electric cars... not quite there yet for my opinion. Mind you, theres not many petrol stations either, I make sure I'm tank'd up before going any valley runs haha

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I've done 11k in our EV since March, with alot of those miles have been on roads like this. Trip to Scotland done last months and now planning an European drive this summer.




I cannot stop driving ours depsite it been a family wagon, at this stage of my life families duties come first but one day I cannot wait to try the same drivetrain in a coupe.


The price of the roadster is stupidly high but compared to a Veyron its actually vaguely attainable with alot of saving/man maths in a few decades or so.


I dont know about you guys but the thought of owning something with the performance of a Veryron ia pretty exciting, till than the current EV will just have to do :).



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Followed one of these last night for the first time on my way home, thought oh that's nice. When coming to a stop I did what I always do when close to another nice car on the road, drop the window a tad to hear it.



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All depends on what you term exciting. I am sure a professional drift driver in a 90bhp mk1 mx5 going around an oval circuit would make it a spectacularly exciting experience moreso than sitting in a veyron and driving up to 100mph very quickly. GZ I can see you get your kicks from things that just go fast, which is absolutely fine. Others get kicks from sounds, smells etc. (its been written before wont write it again) and handling on the limits which you will never get with an EV. Personally a stupid quick 0-100 time is not the be all and end all of what I term exciting in a car. But each to their own!

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