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Bluetooth Audio Streaming On Bose Headunit (intrest)


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Hi guys,


Just been looking/thinking for some way to enhance the car for people that dont wish too swap, or dont want to spend the money on an aftermarket head unit.


Im looking at selling a module with instructions in the member traders forum (once ive paid the fees etc) which would add bluetooth audio streaming to the standard headunit. This mod will be as complex (or not) as the very popular aux-in mod, and infact would be compatable, you could retro-fit this mod, or do both together and actually be able to choose your audio source (just use one or the other, they will both work). This essentially means soldering 4 cables onto the PCB. If youre willing to travel into essex, its something i could fit too for some beers.


Im just really looking to see if anybody would be interested in me getting the parts in for such a thing? Just let me know below. The module could be customised so it could show up as whetever you want. The standard module name would be called something like "350z Bluetooth Audio", but you could tell me if you wanted a custom name and id change it for you before I shipped it out.


The module would come in a custom 3d printed enclosure to protect it which I'm currently sat here test printing.


It also retains full functionality of the OEM Bluetooth call module in the Z, this particular board I have disabled its calling functionality so you steam music to this and the phone will still ring and be answerable on the cars steering wheel as you will be using that system for calls.


So yeah, let me know :)




EDIT: These are now available in the member traders forum


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Added more features and clarity
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Bump, im rather surprised about the lack of intrest as i know a lot of people just dont want to swap the headunit over and insted do the Aux mod. I may just buy the parts, config a board and offer the first one for free as a "proof of concept" unit, not that theres anything to prove, its pretty simple TBH, but i guess it will give you all some faith that what im saying can be done as easilly as i know it can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.


As for ease of fittment, like i said, if you can do the Aux-in mod, you can do this. It requires soldering 4 cables, one each for audio Left and Right, a power and a ground, full instructions of which would be provided of course!


@zelda , im currently in Chelmsford, but moving in a couple of weeks to Harlow. If youre interested in being my guinea pig, drop me a PM and we will work something out. It will likely have to be after ive moved though, im sure anyone can understand, ive got enough on right at the moment ;)

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Excellent. Well, there's some progress I can share. I have modules on my desk in various states of testing, not managed to fry one of them yet!


Guide is written in prep, and I believe i have a guinea pig to test on (hopefully @Zelda) and I'm just waiting for a programmer to arrive as my initial method of programming didn't work quote as id hoped (read, not at all!), but they're impressive!


It looks like this is going to be a go anyway, so I guess look out for these in the coming weeks in the member traders forum :)


Mods, yes I know I need to pay the extra £20 having already paid the £5 to check interest, don't worry I will do that before I sell :)

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I agree, I have no BT module and there is no guarantee it will even work with my phone if I get one. I'm using a tape aux to play music and answer calls but not with my steering wheel and we'll that's not really hands free is it! Not to mention the wires..... I don't like wires......


Let me know if this gets some traction and the cost involved? 

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Dont worry guys, this is definitely progressing behind the scenes and as i mentioned before will be released for sale in the coming weeks. The current hold-up is just time as im moving house next week so things are getting packed away leaving me no time to meddle with car bits.


Im working on it a little tonight to finish the last technical parts (hopefully) then will get a install done in someones car to verify all is good and get more photos, then pay the member trader fees and then we will be live for sale.

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For anyone still interested or looking for updates. I managed to figure out the final technical details out during the week, sadly I fried my programming module the other week too (connected power directly to an in put pin and let the smoke out), so I had to order another one, but that arrived and the two modules I have are fully programmed and working.


As for the next steps, Paul K and I are going to meet on the 25th (hopefully) as this is the weekend after I move house. Were going to do the install in his car and get you some photos etc to show the whole thing working "in real life". The next day these will be available, so keep an eye in the member traders forum on the 26th for all the details.


There will be options available for people who can and cannot solder too, I'm trying to include as many people as I can in this.



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You mentioned in a previous post about disabling the call aspect of the Bluetooth unit. Is there an option to retain it for those folk who struggle with the stock hands-free system? I appreciate calls would be answered on  the handset but it would be nice to get my girlfriends voice through the speakers again. Wait...what am I saying...scrap that, its been so peaceful :lol:

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:lol: Technically yes. So, the module does support handling Bluetooth calls, if you did actually want the module to do this, I could do it on a case by case basis. The reason for me deciding to do it this way is that although the stock Bluetooth calls system is pretty rubbish, my personal experience with these is that they're all basically the same. Mostly, people just want to retain their steering wheel controls for the Bluetooth system, even if said system is pretty terrible.


The only issues are that you'd lose the ability to answer with steering wheel controls, and you have to purchase and then wire in a suitable microphone to this module. Everything is do-able, but cant see why you'd go to the hassle ;)

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28 minutes ago, cs2000 said:

:lol: Technically yes. So, the module does support handling Bluetooth calls, if you did actually want the module to do this, I could do it on a case by case basis. The reason for me deciding to do it this way is that although the stock Bluetooth calls system is pretty rubbish, my personal experience with these is that they're all basically the same. Mostly, people just want to retain their steering wheel controls for the Bluetooth system, even if said system is pretty terrible.


The only issues are that you'd lose the ability to answer with steering wheel controls, and you have to purchase and then wire in a suitable microphone to this module. Everything is do-able, but cant see why you'd go to the hassle ;)

Ahh yes, I'd be relying on the phones microphone wouldn't I. Ok understood thanks for the explanation 

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Hi all


cs2000 and I did the install today. And I’m happy to say it works perfectly. Sounds superb. 


Chris had already assembled a module and fixed it onto the tape section of the Bose radio so it was a simple case of dismantling the radio (a few screws) and swapping out the tape module. If you have already done the aux hack then this should be no issue to you.  


Once reassembled and put back in the dash the module paired with with my phone with no issues.  Clear and loud tunes!!  Much better than my FM modulator 


i also use a BT media button to give me fingertip control for forward and backward skip


i use this one


Satechi Bluetooth Button




a bit pricey but but looks good and works well.  There are cheaper ones 


this is is a great solution for those that don’t want to change out the Bose


many thanks to Chris (#cs2000) for having the knowhow to assemble everything and for  basically doing the install even though he’s just moved house



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Glad you’re pleased with it Paul, so pleased the first install is done and everything worked well!


we learnt something new too, the antenna connection is actually used as a ground for the BOSE, it won’t power on without it (scary few mins there whilst we were figuring that one out!)


one thing that Paul mentioned is the sound is so much clearer than on a Bluetooth FM transmitter, this is due to the limited frequency range available for FM transmission, notably bass sufferers, using this system that all comes back and sounds as good as it should


im going to let Paul run it for a few days to ensure everything is 100% and then these will likely be up for sale in the next few days, actually waiting on some more boards to arrive.


il have a couple of options available for people that have different skill levels too. It really is quick, once you have the dash apart and the BOSE out, I think I had the module installed before Paul had finished his coffee!

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