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............Now what...............


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Im jealous.


I quit my job this week!  I've now got 10 weeks notice still to work.  People are getting made redundant all around me, but because i'm a valuable asset I dont get the same luxury and have to quit to escape the shambles.  I'm not happy!  I've not even lined up another job to go to, I just needed to get out of there.  Going to give Contracting a go.


I've been there for 11 years, and its the only 'proper' job i've ever had.

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  On 11/08/2017 at 17:48, marzman said:

Im jealous.


I quit my job this week!  I've now got 10 weeks notice still to work.  People are getting made redundant all around me, but because i'm a valuable asset I dont get the same luxury and have to quit to escape the shambles.  I'm not happy!  I've not even lined up another job to go to, I just needed to get out of there.  Going to give Contracting a go.


I've been there for 11 years, and its the only 'proper' job i've ever had.



Contracting is great, do it.

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Same boat as you @StevoD not sure what to do  


Made redundant last week got my money slip today and due to starting work at 20 years old I get half a week's pay for the two years I was under 22 years old and then a full week's pay for my remaining 2 years. I am absolutely gutted only covers my mortgage for 2 months :(   Also to top it off my scummy company STORK never put me through a single PCN coarse leaving me unqualified.

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My response will be of little use, but I have just started selling up everything as I am working out this contract (until 28 November 2017) and then I am retiring from IT....... to do what? absolutely no idea!!!! We will be going travelling, but other than that I have no idea what I will be doing with my days. 


First stop is Japan


Work on my languages, violin, ummmmmmmm............. thats pretty much as far I as have gotten.

Edited by grahamc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather than just looking for available jobs you can always try contacting companies you might want to work for and enquire if they have any positions that you might be suitable for.

Your CV is as much about your USP as your qualifications.

Many companies have positions that come up that never get advertised as they go to friends of people that work there as it saves on advertising or agency costs.

Its common to ask good members of staff if they know anyone who wants a job as they hope they will be as good as them.

You contacting them may just get you an interview and a chance to shine as its cost them nothing and you will have shown how proactive you are.

Just a few points to consider. Hope it helps.

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Over the years I've collected a number of qualifications/ licences both acedemic and not so. I may never use them but the way I see it it gives me options to continue earning money if I'm ever made redundant. 

Certain sectors are screaming out for people especially trades and truck drivers etc. 

The security industry although not the best paying is always looking for staff who have an SIA licence and it serves if nothing else as a stop gap between career moves.

This September I'm leaving a company I've been with 15 years to go elsewhere and some of the industry quals I picked up years ago have finally proved useful.

The moral I suppose and mirroring other comments on here is keep learning and diversifying your skill set. Make good use of your time and of course any training or quals will be dependent on financial outlay if they are to be a viable option.


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I am a Contractor and it certainly has flexibility for sure, but remember no paid holidays or sick days. Not that this bothers me.


I am in the process of hopefully downsizing and reducing my usual work further to hopefully move onto things I wish to do, which will earn less hence the downsize.


Some months ago , I started 2 books.


One of work, things I can do and I would like to try my hand at plus ways in which to obtain this.


The other - of more leisure activities which who knows could potentially have an income too.


Whenever I think of something I add it, allowing me to follow these up rather than getting lost.


I have found by doing this it has helped me focus and prioritise what is most important......


Just need my house to sell in this 'Drought of a Market !!


Good Luck and hope you find something soon.

In the meantime, sign on, claim all you are entitled to and keep busy to keep the motivation going.

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As said above - start sending your CV (with a well written cover letter) to just about anyone you think would suit your current skill set. 

My outfit keep a huge stack of CVs on file that they pick from. We never advertise externally. 

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After 12 years I handed my notice in on 1st August...only 11 months notice left to serve :scare: but at least it gives me time to get my sh!t in order.


Whatever you do I wish you the best of luck and as long as you sit down and come up with a realistic plan and stick to it you'll be fine.

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I don't know what your circumstances are Steveo but first port of call is check what benefits you're entitled to from the Govt. If you've paid taxes for any length of time you will be entitled to something. A couple of friends of mine were both made redundant when the company they worked for went into administration and they both ended up with some form of payout to help with the bills / mortgage etc. Govt initiatives additionally focus on getting people newly made redundant back in to work via skills crossover or retraining.


I would personally follow the advice of keeping busy - it can be a shock to the system to find that you suddenly have bags of free time - it's important not to let yourself get into the doldrums as I've known many a person who falls into a depressive spiral after being made redundant.


Best of luck with whatever you decide to do mate and hope you find your second calling in whatever it is! One of the Aberdeen Zed fraternity started his own detailing business after losing his job offshore and he absolutely loves it! He does excellent work, too.

Edited by -G-
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