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350z car cover Genuine


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thought club rules was first post cant be a sales pitch? :dry: Nice way to use a forum you never posted on before to your advantage :dry:


I dont think he will sell many at that price though :lol:


also strange that the photo he uses isn't the Genuine Z one

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Got my genuine one for £50.83p B)


Jay this one was looked at as well and allowed to stand. :thumbs:


Ok, sorry if I seem anal, just remembered when we use to get a load of idiots signing up then trying to sell viagra or promote another website on their first post. Even though Viagra Man got alot of orders from Andy, sinbad and sarnie, still dont make it right :lol:

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Got my genuine one for £50.83p B)


Jay this one was looked at as well and allowed to stand. :thumbs:


Ok, sorry if I seem anal, just remembered when we use to get a load of idiots signing up then trying to sell viagra or promote another website on their first post. Even though Viagra Man got alot of orders from Andy, sinbad and sarnie, still dont make it right :lol:


The supply is still going strong :teeth:

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