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Front lower rear arm / Banana arm - Any guides?


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Hey all =)

Unsure if everything is up and running on the forums yet as searching doesn't seem to be giving me any hits at all.

Does anybody know if there is a guide kicking around for replacing your front lower rear arms / banana arms, or is this a task best left to a mechanic?

I've had a search on here, online generally  and on youtube.  It possible I'm blind, retarded, or both, but I can't see anything that gives a step by step for this.

If anybody is aware of one a link would be great!  No worries if not =)

Thx in advance.


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Hi Adrian, 


Thx for the link =) I'll have a watch; the part in the thumbnail isn't the banana arm so when I searched YouTube previously and saw that pic for the video I assumed it was irrelevant. I searched YouTube for a while but struggled to find a relevant walkthrough; I'll give it another go =) 

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