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Were you a kid in the 90s??? You need this!!!

350 Russ

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Wasn't allowed a console until i could buy one for myself- no educational value....


Atari 2600 - wooden finish :lol: (technically my dads)

Commodore vic 20

Amstrad CPC6128

Amiga 600



Xbox 360

Playstation 3

PC master race


Still got my Atari 2600 setup on a 42" plasma - when games were utterly unforgiving. I remember feigning illness to take a day off school to beat pacman (the original), 999 levels of the same level just got quicker to about level 20 and then 978 levels the same maze, same colour, same speed, when i completed 999 it reset to 1, no ending at all - properly lost it.... :(

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Filthy n00b!


It was the first 32bit home console, basically a huge adaptor you stuck in the top of your Megadrive/Genesis and ran specific 32bit carts. A true Sega fan would know this ;)


A forty year old man who cant remember what he had for breakfast wouldnt :p


Nintendo dusch bag.

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MD was crap compared to the SNES.


SMW was better than all the Sonics

Zelda better than all the Phantasy Stars

SMK better than... Well, did the MD have any exclusive racers? SNES also had F-Zero too.

It had the definitive versions of SF2, which was THE series to have back then.

[snip] but in every area that matters the SNES was better.


Just when I start to think you're a voice of reason around here you go and say something stupid like all that....




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Truth hurts bro. :p


Genuinely can't believe there's still people out there that thing the MD was better than the SNES. Do you all believe the moon landings were faked too?


MD had better game boxes, purely because plastic over cardboard. There.

Edited by Ekona
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Nah Sonic all the way. I know Mario has survived longer, but I preferred Sonic, I read the comic, books, watched the cartoons and everything. I may have even had a Sonic and Tails plush toy (you know like a Teddy bear but manly...ish).

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Filthy n00b!


It was the first 32bit home console, basically a huge adaptor you stuck in the top of your Megadrive/Genesis and ran specific 32bit carts. A true Sega fan would know this ;)


I had this and Doom.


Mega CD too. Lethal Enforcers! What a game. Was basically an 80s cop film turned into a game!


So good on two player.


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Wasn't allowed a console until i could buy one for myself- no educational value....


Atari 2600 - wooden finish :lol: (technically my dads)

Commodore vic 20

Amstrad CPC6128

Amiga 600



Xbox 360

Playstation 3

PC master race


Still got my Atari 2600 setup on a 42" plasma - when games were utterly unforgiving. I remember feigning illness to take a day off school to beat pacman (the original), 999 levels of the same level just got quicker to about level 20 and then 978 levels the same maze, same colour, same speed, when i completed 999 it reset to 1, no ending at all - properly lost it.... :(


Amiga 600. Cannon Fodder. Epic.

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Ground Zero Texas was the same, it was Cowboys and Aliens. I just googled it and watched the intro for a bit of nostagia...you know working hard :lol:


Edit: No boss I've missed budget and LFL but i found a game clip from a 90s game from when i was 10.

Edited by Jay84
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What makes me laugh is that we're all sitting here having a jokey console war, and there's kids out there right now having serious ones over the Xbone and PS4 :lol:




I''m effin serious.

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Wasn't allowed a console until i could buy one for myself- no educational value....


Atari 2600 - wooden finish :lol: (technically my dads)

Commodore vic 20

Amstrad CPC6128

Amiga 600



Xbox 360

Playstation 3

PC master race


Still got my Atari 2600 setup on a 42" plasma - when games were utterly unforgiving. I remember feigning illness to take a day off school to beat pacman (the original), 999 levels of the same level just got quicker to about level 20 and then 978 levels the same maze, same colour, same speed, when i completed 999 it reset to 1, no ending at all - properly lost it.... :(


Amiga 600. Cannon Fodder. Epic.


"War, never been so much fuuuuuuuuun" what a tune that was


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