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A furry problem


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Hi All.


I am wondering if anyone has a similar problem with their soft top. I have a local cat that has decided that my roof make an excellent place to sleep each night and so I am waking to copious amounts of fur that I am having to brush off each morning with a lint roller. Now this is working fine, but I am concerned that this little blighter might start to claw the roof material and you know where that could lead.


So are there any suggestions (other than the obvious) of how to prevent / stop this?


I have thought of:


a) protective covering for the roof only (do they make such an item)?

B) a supersoaker

c) a high pitched noise maker that can be placed near the car somewhere on my drive





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Open each door, throw a large black bin liner over the top of the roof so that it drapes over each side and close each door trapping the excess lengths of bin liner inside. If you make sure the whole roof is covered the cat won't want to sleep on the bin liner.



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  On 20/06/2017 at 07:47, TT350 said:

Open each door, throw a large black bin liner over the top of the roof so that it drapes over each side and close each door trapping the excess lengths of bin liner inside. If you make sure the whole roof is covered the cat won't want to sleep on the bin liner.


good suggestion, i will try that as a cost effective option.

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  On 20/06/2017 at 13:50, Wasso said:

Just up the game a little.....



We've all seen batman, we know where escalation leads. You'll either find a Lion, or it'll go down the route of the old lady that swallowed a fly. I like the bag and pepper ideas, and i'd love to see someone sprinkle pepper on their roof. My granddad has a statue of a cat with marble eyes in his garden as he's convinced it scares off other cats.
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Maybe an item like a beanbag soaked with some firm of cat repellant and just lay it on the roof when you park. Maybe in a piece of bin liner if it's well saturated as not to stain the roof. Iv never had that problem before but I have a coupe! Neighbors cat likes to lay in my flowerbeds.

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If you have a zoo nearby, contact them and see if you can get some tiger poo. You won't see the cat again or any other cat come to think of it for a good mile or two 😂


Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk



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  On 29/06/2017 at 14:21, Humpy said:

If you have a zoo nearby, contact them and see if you can get some tiger poo. You won't see the cat again or any other cat come to think of it for a good mile or two 😂


Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk


That myth was busted in a Myth Busters episode.

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probably no help to you now but I have a microwave sensor on my alarm and ive watched the cats tiptoe up the bonnet only to get up the windscreen to the roof and get a nice loud warning siren which they promptly jump off at this point :lol: they have got round this a couple of times though

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I know they seem to have some ingenious ways to get their own way. Luckily it was persistently raining in Bristol last night so no feline fur to roll off with my lint roller this morning. Still need to try the black pepper trick.

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There are stuff out there you can buy to scare away cats, I believe there is a product out there that goes by your garage that gives off a noise that only cats can here!

Also herd or of putting lemons or something under the car

Sorry couldn't help more

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I had no idea that those high frequency things worked on young humans. Thanks for the info.


By the way though, they absolutely SHAFT the local wildlife too, so use those frequency emitter things with care. Poor bats and owls, etc.

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  On 30/06/2017 at 12:58, Aashenfox said:

I had no idea that those high frequency things worked on young humans. Thanks for the info.


Some older ones as well, remember working in a garden next to one, I was going out of my mind by the end of the day. Some city McDonalds have them too, fortunately I hate McDonalds.

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