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spark plug tube replacement


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Hi guys,


I'm in the middle of the good old story (spark plug tube seal replacement) which just became twisted and I'm looking for some help/advices.


I bought a DIY kit from Torquen, this is pretty standard I think, but:

- the service manual says (EM-97, number 9 on the picture, see the attachment) the spark plug tubes needs to be replaced after every disassembly

- also I had the same advice from ZMANALEX (to replace the spark plug tubes) which I bought already from Nissan



My problem is that I can't remove the tubes, and the service manual doesn't say a word about the tube replacement, so I have no idea what/how should I do.

Anyone has any experience with this?




Edited by Gabor
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No experience of this myself but you have two choices: screw or drift. If there is no thread on the tube then it is drift. As it is held in with lock seal you will have to break that seal.

If there is no retaining ring or other such contraption (which there doesn't seem to be on the diagram) then drift out from underneath .

If you can't drift from underneath then does any of the tube protrude? In which case grab and twist.

I know that isn't brilliantly helpful but to me its one of those work-it-out-by-default jobs, although I'm sure Alex has done it many times and will be along to say 'tap here and they all fall out' in a moment :lol:)

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PM received and replied to.


The tubes are fairly easy to remove, however you will damage them in the process.


They are a tight fit in the head and also will have had a coat of locking sealant on assembly.


They are only pressed into the head by 20mm.


Grab the tube with a set of mole grips and move it in a circular motion to break the seal.


It does not matter if you butcher the old tube as it will compress with the use of the grips.


Just keep turning the tube back and forth whilst working it upwards.


Make sure that you keep it square and a slight tap on the mole grips with a small hammer will help it on its way.


Once you have done the first one, you will wonder what all the fuss was about and the remaining 5 will be child's play.



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