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New house issues


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Just brought myself my first new house, move in on the 14th march, cant wait, but, the sodding garage isnt big enough for the zed, the wheel arches are too wide (well the garage is too small)..


really annoying because once in the garage you could open the doors almost fully, just the entrance thats too thin... ARGH!!! :rant:


So the plan is to garage the misses aygo (which to be fair is currently the easiest car on the market to steal) and leave mine on the drive.


Do i get a car cover or not, the misses reckons it will draw attention, i think its a good idea...


alternatively dismantel the garage (im a geek so know nothing of this DIY)

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it is an apartment above three garages, the garage door has two fairly thin peices of wood/plastic running either side, might be able to modify it,


i only know one DIY guy and he is the sort of person that thinks anything is possible even if it meant the house collapsing to get the car in (ive not told him this issue yet)


If it had no garage door at all, no runners, and the auto mirrors folded in then i might get in, (tho having mirrors would be useful....




ill try post some pics tomorrow.

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  M13KYF said:
can the garage be modified to accept a wider garage door


Seems crazy to me that you can open your doors fully in the garage yet you can't get it in through the door :wacko:


Like Mike say's you should be able to modify, probably best using a brick cutter that would cut along a chalked line, though i would get someone in that know's what they are doing. :thumbs:

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Guest prescience

Very unusual for a single garage not to accept a Z - you must be unlucky and have a very non-standard one. What is the exact opening dimension through which a car needs to go?

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Its a new build, i queried it with the people and they said the standard guide lines are 'x' which and i quote 'wont fit most cars'.


the garage inside is huge, just the front is supporting the house i guess... no idea...


hmmm brick cutter sounds like a plan :)




The above isnt it but thats the same layout. our garage is the one on its own.

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  MrLizard said:
Its a new build, i queried it with the people and they said the standard guide lines are 'x' which and i quote 'wont fit most cars'.


the garage inside is huge, just the front is supporting the house i guess... no idea...


hmmm brick cutter sounds like a plan :)




The above isnt it but thats the same layout. our garage is the one on its own.

Me and the missus viewd a house like this, but they were car ports rather than garages (i.e. no doors) and the openings were very narrow, not sure a Zed would have gone in. Saying that, every other garage I have tried (our new one, my old dears old one, mates one) the Zed fits. You must have very narrow doors.


Get em measured and post it up, I'll see what thats like against mine when I get home :)

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Not in hayes by any chance is it???


i bought an exact new build above 3 garages and mine just abouts fits in.





  MrLizard said:
Its a new build, i queried it with the people and they said the standard guide lines are 'x' which and i quote 'wont fit most cars'.


the garage inside is huge, just the front is supporting the house i guess... no idea...


hmmm brick cutter sounds like a plan :)




The above isnt it but thats the same layout. our garage is the one on its own.

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Was just googling for "UK Standard garage door size" and got this:


What is your standard garage door size?

Standard garage door sizes usually mean stock door sizes, signifying a garage door that can be obtained quickly from stock for a new build project.


Builders being builders they couldnt get anything bigger and so stuck in the smaller ones! :headhurt:

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walsgrave in sunny coventry! :) not tooooo bad an area...


i never for a second thought that i wouldnt be able to get into the garage :(


short term solution will be security light and a crow bar, what do you guys think of the car cover?? good idea (for security) or not?

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Well I have a car cover, it's more for paint protection though. I live in a very good area.


To be honest, it's 6 and 2x3. You could risk damage as people could see it or you could draw attention to it by covering it. Tough one, check out the areas crime statistics and check for neds and scumbags nearby.

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I think a car cover will attract unwanted attention. Also its worth bearing in mind that if you are taking it on and off a dirty car on a regular basis the grit etc can damage the paintwork.

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  Digsy said:
I think a car cover will attract unwanted attention. Also its worth bearing in mind that if you are taking it on and off a dirty car on a regular basis the grit etc can damage the paintwork.

+1 - I wont do a car cover as I'm more likely to do bad than good with them with the filth from the M4 on it!!!!


Also I dont garage mine even though it fits as the garage entrance angle is quite tight, I'd rather leave it outside than damage it putting it in, after all it sits in a car park all day at work!!

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Similar thing with my garage as well!! It's a bit tight getting it in but once in I can open both doors fully either out or up!! I'd seriously look into getting it widened if you can. I am sure it could be done but just comes down to the cost and hassle I guess. Also it might be worth checking to see if it nullifies your NHBC guarantee. Have no idea if it will or not but being a new build, might be worth checking out.

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The house was completed just before i brough it, as wanted to see finished article, there are 40 or so apartments on the culdesac/estate, but this is the only one like it, i.e. no one above/below/ attached only on one side sort of...


i complained but they say nothing could of been done... also maybe difficult getting the permission to do any work.


ill see how it goes with security light and crow bar, and threat of a large can of whoop ass on any numpty silly enough to try it...

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If the build is finished it unlikely you can do anything from those kinds of houses I have seen before. The difference over a normal garage is that the side pillars of the garage door are probably a lot more load bearing than usual, so if you cut some away it might not be able to bear the load :headhurt:

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  MrLizard said:
Just brought myself my first new house, move in on the 14th march, cant wait, but, the sodding garage isnt big enough for the zed, the wheel arches are too wide (well the garage is too small)..


really annoying because once in the garage you could open the doors almost fully, just the entrance thats too thin... ARGH!!! :rant:


So the plan is to garage the misses aygo (which to be fair is currently the easiest car on the market to steal) and leave mine on the drive.


Do i get a car cover or not, the misses reckons it will draw attention, i think its a good idea...


alternatively dismantel the garage (im a geek so know nothing of this DIY)



ha ha ha :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: PMSL :lol::lol::lol:

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