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Flushing oil for vortech


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Realised today that I've still not put oil in the supercharger or the engine for that matter yet. So thought i'd have a quick look to see how easy its going to be for access to fill. Popped out the breather cap and had a peek in to see something on the threads. Stuck the small magnetic screw driver down to find a few bits of old bearing i'm guessing.





Initially I though "ahh f*ck" as it was sent away for overhaul prior to purchase, but thinking about it there is no need to remove a breather plug as part of an overhaul so it could easily have just been missed on the clean up. Just for peace of mind though I'd like to give it a good flush through since I've now disturbed it.


Does anyone know the spec of the vortech oil so i can buy some cheap similar spec stuff for flushing?

Then after wards i can flush through with the correct stuff and then do the final fill.

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  On 13/03/2017 at 13:34, GMballistic said:

Do you have any of the Vortech oil and if so does it say on the bottle?


If not maybe try asking one of the traders who sell the Vortech oil like Adrian@Torqen or one of the members like ChrisB who still have their supercharged Zeds. ;)


Not yet going to order some from Torqen later this evening, Yeh was hoping someone had one lying about and could maybe shed some light on it

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Gidday - sorry I'm on holiday today - was out cleaning the Zed of all things :lol:


Here is what is printed on the bottle if this is any help..






Can't see too many specs in that - but maybe the paxton/vortech website has a bit more info? p/n 009035.


Christ ..what happened to photo bucket and the ads that won't un-pop? Took 4 attempts to get those links :doh:

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Cheers Chris, I suspect that its nothing special but they keep it a mystery and claim terrible things of any other oils as it give them a steady income from customers. I'll keep digging.


RichF I'll have a look at some of that and see what I can dig up.


Worse case scenario I'll use a oil we use at work in the gear box's of sundyne pumps as that oil services the bearings, and gears at very high speeds very similar to the supercharger so should be of similar spec due to similar duties. But i'd like to try and do it right and remove the element of the unknown.

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  On 13/03/2017 at 17:56, Richf said:

The Mercedes Kompressor oil is a very similar spec and should be fine for flushing through

Mobil Jet Oil II seems to be what the merc guys use or a general motors part number 12345982.


Emailed vortech but not hopeful of a helpful response as they will just want you to buy their oil I'd think

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  On 15/03/2017 at 04:54, scobie140 said:
  On 13/03/2017 at 17:56, Richf said:

The Mercedes Kompressor oil is a very similar spec and should be fine for flushing through

Mobil Jet Oil II seems to be what the merc guys use or a general motors part number 12345982.


Emailed vortech but not hopeful of a helpful response as they will just want you to buy their oil I'd think


Yeah you wont get any help from them :)


The Merc stuff is pretty close, I spoke to a few places when I had mine and they suggested it , there is no way Vortech make it it must be branded and rebottled

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  On 15/03/2017 at 11:48, Richf said:
  On 15/03/2017 at 04:54, scobie140 said:
  On 13/03/2017 at 17:56, Richf said:

The Mercedes Kompressor oil is a very similar spec and should be fine for flushing through

Mobil Jet Oil II seems to be what the merc guys use or a general motors part number 12345982.


Emailed vortech but not hopeful of a helpful response as they will just want you to buy their oil I'd think


Yeah you wont get any help from them :)


The Merc stuff is pretty close, I spoke to a few places when I had mine and they suggested it , there is no way Vortech make it it must be branded and rebottled


Yeh its nothing special as its just a couple of high speed bearings and two gears they just want to make you go through them for it so they get more money. Surprisingly they have still not replied to my email.

Is the merc stuff you are on about the General motors one?


  On 15/03/2017 at 12:03, Adrian@TORQEN said:



Read the label on the Oil bottle above. Using a different oil even for flushing will void any existing warranty, in case that applies to you.


Nah thats not an issue for me.


  On 15/03/2017 at 18:08, Adrian@TORQEN said:

As promised, Vortech says:


"We do not recommend using any other oil in our units, only our V3 oil. If you mix our oil with another type it could cause issues."


Hope this helps.


:lol: Knew that would be their answer totally unhelpful unless you are purchasing from them. At least you got a reply. Cheers for trying to help :thumbs:


Reminds me i'll need to order a pack from yous for stock and a final flush as I only have one bottle just now.


Don't suppose they supplied you with a material safety data sheet since you will be keeping it in storage? not sure if that would have anything on it that helps, I can't remember the last time I read one in any detail, Just glance at the PPE icons :lol:

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  On 18/03/2017 at 12:48, scobie140 said:

Well according to a post on an american forum its Royal Purple synthetic ATF re-branded as their own



If I can't find any more info I'll buy a bottle of that and try to compare them.


Its red though not purple ? Maybe its only the engine oil thats purple

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Been away at Aberdeen training for a week but come home to some Royal purple. Without getting a lab to chemically analyse it I'd say i'm about 95% sure both are the same or very similar.

Both are identical colour & viscosity seems the same.

They both smell the same but the vortec oil had a slightly stronger smell but there wasn't much in it.


Tried to get the pics as best i could but lighting was a bit off




From what I've seen i'm more than happy to take the chance and use the Royal purple as a flushing fluid. I will still use the vortec oil to run with but will use the royal purple each change to give a good flush as it was only £16 for 1 liter.

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