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My Blue Monday


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Yesterday was known as Blue Monday and for someone who is over protective of my cars, worked out to be that way for me.


Took my 370 in for MOT. Always take it to a local performance / modified car specialist because they are extra careful with the cars and the other people who park there are of a similar mindset and park carefully too. As I am sat waiting, my car is still parked when someone parks next to mine and swings their door open hitting my car. I rush out, call her a 'dozy cow' and inspect for damage. Her husband who had arrived to pick her up comes storming over but immediately backed off when I gave him the death stare. Fortunately no damage was done to my car and hopefully by my reaction the lady will 'respect' others property in future.


Got home and decided to check my wifes car online to see when her MOT is due. MOT fine but tax out of date by 2 months! No problem, we will sort online but where is her V5? Everything, she says, is in her car folder she is not stupid and keeps everything together. Driving license turns up in her handbag, service history in side pocket of car, MOT in boot of car and everything in the well kept folder is 3 years out of date!!

No V5. She has had the car around 14 months, phone DVLA and address was wrong when registered by dealer so V5 was returned. So we cannot tax it for a few days till all sorted out.


No way is she driving the 370, would rather cut my left testicle off, so reluctantly agreed to let her use my 4x4 (12 months old, pristine). Convinced myself that all would be OK, feeling fairly relaxed. Got home from a meeting to find my 4x4 parked in the middle of the cul de sac looking like it had been abondoned there. Rushed into the house to see if there was a problem but wife was making a brew. When asked why she abondoned my car in the middle of the road she didn't, she parked it at the top of the drive. There is a reason why cars have a handbrake! Scary thing is that I often park the 370 across the drive behind the other 2 cars - what a lovely job the towbar would have made along with an interesting claim to insurers for both my cars together.


Its going to be a long few days ......

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