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A/C Compressor help, possible seizing(?)


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Evening all,


So went to start my car a couple of days ago to be welcomed by a hideous screeching noise which was not a simple bit of belt slippage. After realising I popped the bonnet at 6am to find my air con compressor pulley not turning and everything else working normally do therefore creating my awful screech. Quickly turned her off and grabbed a screwdriver, where i gave the pulley a gentle persuasion by hitting it with the handle of said screwdriver. Started the car and after a split second of screech the noise was gone and the compressor was turning!


Now what I'm after is some light shed on how these compressor pulleys work, because I know they have a clutch in and I know the have bearings but I'm not 100% sure on how they work. Admittedly the morning was a very cold one and a frozen pulley was my first thought. However I do get a small screech when I start the car every time from cold which hasn't always been there. The belt doesn't seem to be worn and the pulley condition looks fine. Anyone have a similar experience?!




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Id say its unlikely to be the clutch that's stuck as the pulley turns all the time. It's more likely the bearings are seizing, esp is a gentle persuade gets them to move again. Could you get someone to cold start it while you watch the compressor to see if it starts stuck and frees off? It is likely to need a new one id say.

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