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Is it safe to bump start 350z


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The first frost we had in 2016 killed the battery on my new 350 it wouldn't hold its charge, within 12 hours of turning her off she'd be at like 11 volts. so I asked on here and got a new yuassa battery which people said were fine, its been working fine all through December through the odd freezing nights and morning's, I came to my car yesterday after a freezing night and chilly day, the car hadent been started for two days now and the volts were near 10, so i jumped started it, drove it, not a problem, the battery charged so it's not the alternator


Has the battery really gone dud after a month from brand new?


The thing is I live a hill, i havent done it yet because I wasn't sure, but if in the morning the battery is dead again can i roll down the hill and release the clutch in 1st or 2nd to start her?? I have done this many times in my x reg corsa I used to have, even done in reverse before lol


What's your thoughts chaps?


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If I leave it for a full 24 hours before starting again, the voltmetre reads 2 or 3 mm under 12 v, and struggles a bit to turnover but just starts on the 4th turnover. This is what the old battery did when the first cold came. I then changed the battery and everything was fine for the last 3 to 4 weeks, no problem at all even on really cold morning's. It first happened again on boxing day, I had left it from about 6 pm mad Friday, and tried starting it boxing day at 2 pmish, when I came to the car weed had 2 cold days and nights so it was proper frozen up, so after scraping frost and ice for 30 mins and watering the rubber seals for the window to move before opening the door ... it wouldnt bloody start :doh: which I thought were strange because its brand new


so i got a spare battery to jump off and under the bonnet had big icicles hanging off the underside of the bonnet, I'd never seen this before.


today was the same before I turned it off last night, I turned off the CD player and the interior light so it wouldn't come on when I try to start next time,last night and this morning was much warmer, no ice or frost, and again just started on the 4th slow turnover.


what's the crack? Lol I don't mind buying another battery (I lost the receipt for refund) if you all think it is just a dud battery that's died within a month,


Sorry for essays, I wish there was a phone/helpline to the forum

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