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England v Scotland


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I do not understand how English & Scottish supporters can get so into international football right now. Both teams are appalling, play the dreariest of football and have no likelihood of improving in the near future. I'd never consider spending a penny to go and see England play, unless I was suffering from insomnia.


Go support your tiny local team instead, they may be crap too but at least they play with a bit of passion.

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Still into it, but no wouldn't pay to go watch it. As much as I sat there Friday thinking this is going to be dull as dishwater I bloody well jumped up punching the air when Sturridge put that header in. Can't help but want to support my country at football, even if they are currently in a lull in terms of ability and application.


England at the moment are just a couple of players away from a reasonably good team. Stones will learn when to kick and when to play, we have a good selection of full backs at the moment, Cresswell hasn't got a look in yet but is a very good defender who has a great cross and shot on him. Its the midfield thats problematic, no real creativity in there to open teams up. We also need a forward who can get much more involved, Sturridge just drops out of games and makes some really poor decisions with the ball. Kane is similar at international level. We need to drop players like Walcott who are so inconsistent, Henderson who offers nothing much more than huff and puff and the likes of Wilshire wasting a squad place when he will never be fit.

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