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MPG Vs Temperature Display question


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Hi all


If i select mpg/avg speed on the lcd display it stays there for a while or for the whole journey, it seems as though if i drive 'enthusiastically' it thinks i dont want to see the mpg and swaps to the temperature and 'icy' warning, is this normal?


Is my car driving to defy my wishes of seeing how much petrol its drinking? It seems as though its having a sly slurp when im not looking and altering the display to get away with it... :(




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No mine switches too but only under Icy conditions... It then stays on MPG or Digital speedo with the word Icy at the bottom. Should only do it once on a journey unless you stall or stop and turn the engine off then it will do it again.


Think it may change if the temp drops too...

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Every time it drops to 3 degrees or under mine switches to temp and displays the ICY warning, possibly several times a journey. If the orange light comes on for fuel it switches to DTE. A tap on the top button returns it to the original view.

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Every time it drops to 3 degrees or under mine switches to temp and displays the ICY warning, possibly several times a journey. If the orange light comes on for fuel it switches to DTE. A tap on the top button returns it to the original view.

Digsy is correct. Also Mr Lizard if you are the stock tyres, it pays to keep an eye ICY warning. Keep that Zed in one piece. :)

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