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mr v6

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I've downloaded NDS II (internet search shows this is the version for the Z), it connects to my ELM327 v1.5 adapter, but I see no flashing lights on the adapter. It sees the adapter name & version, but can't see the ECU type & no. Even with auto connect & auto reconnect ticked it just doesn't want to see my Z. Strange, this very adapter works with Torque on the Z & every other car I've plugged it into.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you using this on a Mobile Device?


You are correct in that NDS II is the right version for the Z. However, I purchased NDS II for my Windows Laptop and I also purchased and use a Vagcom KKL USB Cable (£10-£15 on EBay) for a direct connection and Ive used it on many occasions without issue to connect to the Z's ECU and run diagnostic tasks/gather data to log files.


I'd highly recommend this method if you're going to be doing a lot with NDS as although NDS supports ELM and Generic Bluetooth adapters results may vary.


I have to admit though that I do use the Torque App on my Android Smartphone along with an ELM Bluetooth Adapter without issue (bar the odd hiccup).


Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk

Edited by ThreeFiddyZ
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  • 3 weeks later...

I too have the blue Vagcom cable, it was an ebay £8 special but works on every VW I've used it on. I do also have Torque Pro I use on the phone with a bluetooth ELM327 adapter. All fine, but all Torque gives you are engine codes & data. What I'd like is SRS, ABS, TCM information, basically the ability to read all the ECU's for all faults should anything arise, it's just the way I like to work.


Buying NDSII seems easy, but the faff of registering on the forum to get another code seems a bit :wacko: . Not sure why it can't be emailed straight afterwards by the developers.

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In fact I've just been out after downloading NDS II again, it seems to connect to all ECU's apart from the TCM one. The button on the lower dash panel of my Z says ESP, not VDC. Is this the reason why it won't communicate?

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