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Tyre roar


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Well picked up my 13plate gt edition today,its in fantastic condition,and although I had read about tyre noise i wasn,t really prepared for how much there is particularly at motorway speeds,hadn,t noticed it as much on the test drive.Its a lot louder than I remember my 350 and my Supra,s, wondering if I will get used to it or if it will be a short acquaintance !

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  On 02/10/2016 at 18:40, formatzero said:

Well picked up my 13plate gt edition today,its in fantastic condition,and although I had read about tyre noise i wasn,t really prepared for how much there is particularly at motorway speeds,hadn,t noticed it as much on the test drive.Its a lot louder than I remember my 350 and my Supra,s, wondering if I will get used to it or if it will be a short acquaintance !


If you plan on doing any long drives, the tyre noise will turn you deaf. All the measures mentioned above will mitigate slightly, but the 370, IMHO, is not a GT in that sense. I tried having the music turned up, different tyres, boot full of 'sound deadening' luggage, after a couple of hundred miles it drove me bonkers.


On a slightly different vein, my Mrs always complained, short or long journeys, that as a passenger at least, the car was very uncomfortable.


In summary, short to middling journeys, around town - 100 miles, no probs, 100-200 miles, bearable, 200+ miles, you will be deaf!


It's still a great little car though, many, many owners enjoy it, I did, immensely but it does have this problem.

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If you have the standard exhaust then yes the tyre noise will catch your attention, but as most upgrade to the music of an exhaust more befitting of a sports car (and its a decent one) then more of these :D than these :( will be the result.


If your exhaust is already upgraded and its the noise with motorway driving you find of concern then most will enjoy their second favourite music.....from the internal speakers

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Agree with most above - tyre noise is a real chore on the 370. I changed over to Falkens when my 050a's were end of life. The Falkens were ever so slightly better on tyre noise - but after 4-5k miles on the Falkens it is just as annoying on longer drives.

I have done a fair bit of Googling on sound deadening materials and methods. Over the winter I plan on trying to remedy this with the triple layer of materials. I may even get carried away as others have said the doors and footwells are also noisy. I think the sacrifice of extra weight Vs a noisy cabin is a fair trade.

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I run Pirelli P-zero all round my 350 and they are noisy and annoying as well....on the other hand I was very happy with my previous tyres Yokohama Advan , for future reference ;)

Edited by valy
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  On 03/10/2016 at 08:56, Ebized said:

If you have the standard exhaust then yes the tyre noise will catch your attention, but as most upgrade to the music of an exhaust more befitting of a sports car (and its a decent one) then more of these :D than these :( will be the result.


If your exhaust is already upgraded and its the noise with motorway driving you find of concern then most will enjoy their second favourite music.....from the internal speakers

Stretched the budget to get the car so exhaust will have to wait I'm afraid !

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  On 02/10/2016 at 20:34, formatzero said:
  On 02/10/2016 at 18:57, Ekona said:

What tyres is it on?


But yes, those cars are noisy. Not as noisy as the 370, but still not quiet.

Need to check tyre make ,think it,s Michelin,s of some kind .

Tyres are MPSS so may give sound deadening a go !

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  On 03/10/2016 at 19:41, formatzero said:
  On 03/10/2016 at 08:56, Ebized said:

If you have the standard exhaust then yes the tyre noise will catch your attention, but as most upgrade to the music of an exhaust more befitting of a sports car (and its a decent one) then more of these :D than these :( will be the result.


If your exhaust is already upgraded and its the noise with motorway driving you find of concern then most will enjoy their second favourite music.....from the internal speakers

Stretched the budget to get the car so exhaust will have to wait I'm afraid !


Keep the standard exhaust, all you'll do is introduce drone with an aftermarket. There's a reason why the exhaust is quiet, that's to parry the effect of the tyre roar.


What I found with the Akropovic (Berk Cats) and the Ark GRiP, was much the same as the tyre roar, after a long drive, you can't even hear the cogs in your brain think! They are great for hooning about town or hooning about the country even, if you're going up and down the gears.


If you want to get to the South of France, don't use the M Ways, you will be deaf!, your Mrs will hate you and the car and it'll put her off doing any other road trip. Stick to the national network, much like our A roads and you'll love it ;)


They are great cars, but potential owners need to be aware of these issues, I was and I bought another one!! So they're not all that bad :)

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No droning withe Stillen exhaust I had on the 370 for the near on 5 years I had the car and having done several road trips to Scotland and Wales from the that included a significant amount of motorway mileage.


And I bought my 3 Zeds to enjoy them as sports cars that sounded like sports cars and whereas the standard 350 exhausts were OK, if not perfect for a decent noise, the standard 370 exhaust is so muted it was like driving a boring saloon car.


Great thing with the A45 is the noise it makes as standard..........but there is also a comfort setting that turns off the exhaust valve that allows the pops and bangs in Sport & Manual modes that wouild no doubt suit G Man, but for me that is boring too on motorways, even for this OAP.

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  On 04/10/2016 at 06:51, Ebized said:
.......but there is also a comfort setting that turns off the exhaust valve that allows the pops and bangs in Sport & Manual modes that wouild no doubt suit G Man, but for me that is boring too on motorways, even for this OAP.


You're probably deaf anyway Colin :lol:


The drone is secondary to tyre roar, that's a fact. I probably did 100+ X 300mile + journeys between both 370's, they must've had a fault ;)

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No not deaf I am pleased to say, but admit to being a petrolhead that puts joys of driving a car built for drivers first, rather than worrying about the absence of comforts for getting from A to B that others might look for that I hope you have found in the Mustang G Man. :thumbs:

Edited by Ebized
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  On 04/10/2016 at 07:47, Ebized said:

No not deaf I am pleased to say, but admit to being a petrolhead that puts joys of driving a car built for drivers rather than worrying about the absence of comforts for getting from A to B that others might look for, that I hope you have found in the Mustang G Man. :thumbs:


You should've got a motorbike then :)


Despite getting your life story there, the 370 has tyre roar that will make anyone below petrolheadidness greatness, deaf, on a long run. I've said that its great on hooning around town and country lanes, where tyre roar/drone doesn't come into it. On a Grand Tourer (GT), it does get tedious on long Mway drives, I'm not talking from no experience here, this is a fact :lol:

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I never found it that loud , the GT edition is a little quieter than the older ones but I never drove the older car on the motorway, had no issue doing long trips in either of my 370'z but its true they aren't quiet and refined but 1) Its a sportscar and 2) You are sat really close to the rear wheels

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What this thread needs is a poll as to whether owners feel their 370's are troubled by the tyre roar, or not.


What I sense from your posts on this thread (and others) G Man is that you had an issue with your 370 that did not trouble me, and putting our opinions to one side it would be good to see what owners, past and present, feel/felt about noise levels with their 370's in everyday road use.


Oh, and although I do have a motorbike licence I am wise enough to know that at my grand old age and level of fitness I am well past the mid-life crisis to endanger me or other souls out there on two wheels, or even three before someone has that bright idea. :blush::lol:

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Yeah, have a poll :lol:


I had no issue, other than it has tyre roar, what's the issue there? What other posts are you on about? I had 51/2 great years of 370 ownership, stuck up for the 370, through thick and thin and was met by a fair amount of abuse for doing so, even some mild schoolboy internet attempts at bullying :lol:


What I sense from your post, is a defensive stance, that any owner would take about owning their present or past cars.


Get a motorbike, you'd love it :lol: I'm too old as well ;)

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Its certainly no louder than a convertible with the roof down and loads of people buy those! I guess one mans issue is another mans feature , personally I hate the manuals, couldnt live with one myself


Maybe motorcyclists do ignore the noise better as i'm an ex-biker, many people complain about the Prius being noisy also and i dont find that the case in the wifes one , but then i think cars have gotten too quiet really

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  On 04/10/2016 at 09:27, The G Man said:

Yeah, have a poll :lol:


I had no issue, other than it has tyre roar, what's the issue there? What other posts are you on about? I had 51/2 great years of 370 ownership, stuck up for the 370, through thick and thin and was met by a fair amount of abuse for doing so, even some mild schoolboy internet attempts at bullying :lol:


What I sense from your post, is a defensive stance, that any owner would take about owning their present or past cars.


Get a motorbike, you'd love it :lol: I'm too old as well ;)


To help the OP on this thread I was attempting to balance out opinions being expressed and this post below of yours G Man is quite helpful in that it lists many of the pros of 370 ownership but highlights the road noise as well as your misses not enjoying the ride as "issues". My misses was very comfortable in the 370, apart sometimes from when I was, er, testing out the car's dynamics on the twisties :D.


Posted 02 May 2016 - 18:07

I've had two 370s, one a GT and one a Mk1 Nismo. What a lot of people don't realise on here with regards to the Mk1, is the suspension set up. Superior in every way to the GT, a different class over a 350.


I did some basic suspension mods to my GT, a set of Eibach Pro's, had an Akropovic Evo true dual exhaust, was UpRevved, but the Nismo would smash it all day long on twisties, fact. (Ask Gstraw on here, he couldn't believe it when I gave him a cabbie, he has a 370 GT)


You will get a lot of negative opinion about a Nismo on here, from some that have never even driven one, never mind owned one. The servicing on a 370 is inexpensive. As a track car, I've no idea, but if it's mostly for track, get a stripped out MX 5 like Ekona has, you'll have more fun. As Ebized has said, as for a fast, fun and well equipped GT, it's in a good price bracket.


One or two things about a 370, the road noise is pretty bad, not enough steering wheel adjustment (only up or down, no in or out) and my Mrs always complained that, as a passenger, it wasn't the most comfortable of, erm, rides :)


It is a looker, gets loads of compliments and attention and the equipment level is very good.


I've no real idea on a Porsche or TT RS, no doubt very capable cars, for me, now a 'redneck', they both have an image problem in my eyes. The Audi, because the company that produces them are cheating bast3rds, and the Porsche, if not the right one, is a wannabe statement.


You won't wring a lot of extra oomph from a 370 without spending serious cash and going FI, but as was mentioned, unless you're getting one really cheap, it might be the wrong car if you require that level of power.


Anyway, good luck in your search, buy one off a club member, it'll be looked after and not at a dealer premium.


Edited by The G Man, 02 May 2016 - 18:09.



OK, hands up to being defensive about the qualities of the 370 - my only issue about the car at the end being the absence of 4 seats. :thumbdown::lol: For me it has been the best car I have owned/enjoyed and that includes the present car that so many driver aids it kinda takes away from the nut behind the wheel. That is why I still follow the forum regularly and try to help those interested in making a 370 purchase :)

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