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Janitor Plays Priest


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In a small cathedral, a janitor was cleaning the pews between services when he was approached by the priest.


The priest asked the janitor, "Could you go into the confessional and listen to confessions for me? I really have to go to the bathroom and Widow McGee is coming. She tends to go on and on but never really does anything worthy of serious repentance, so when she's done, just give her 10 Hail Marys. I'll be right back."


Being the helpful sort, the janitor agreed. Just as expected, Widow McGee came into the booth and started her confession.


"Oh Father, I fear I have done the unforgivable," she said. "I have given into carnal thoughts and have had oral sex."


Stunned, the janitor had no idea how to handle this situationâ€â€surely 10 Hail Marys would not do. So in a moment of desperation, the janitor peeked his head out of the confessional and asked an altar boy, "Son, what does the priest give for oral sex?"


The altar boy replied, "Two Snickers bars and a Coke."

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