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Boot weight, how heavy?


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While on the subject does anyone know how much weight can be taken out of the rear of the car all together... IE spare wheels, carpets, trim etc?


Stripping the weight out of my old type R made a noticeable difference to performance and I've been toying with the idea of doing it in the Z. I'm not too worried about road noise/comfort etc, I actually quite like the added theater driving a stripped out car gives.


Edit - I also think the Z looks pretty cool all stripped out and painted with bucket seats etc.

Edited by nowhereboy
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While on the subject does anyone know how much weight can be taken out of the rear of the car all together... IE spare wheels, carpets, trim etc?

No idea but a few on here have gone and done it before. B)


Djtimo being a good example: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/84366-my-little-weekend-project/page__st__60


Some threads touching on the subject: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/72534-boot-strip/


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Ah cheers GM, I'll have a read through. Can't view the pics right now as I'm at work.


I might have a crack at it tomorrow actually, I'm guessing everything can go back in if I really don't like it.

You might actually find this thread from djtimo the most interesting tbh: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/48146-stripped-the-rear-boot-area-out-pics/


Exactly though, ...as long as you're careful with parts/clips etc it can all go back in. I'd guess the spare wheel alone is probably 10-15kg so you should be able to make a reasonable weight saving overall. :thumbs:

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My spare is fairly useless anyway as I'm too low to fit it without it rubbing the arches heavily while turning. I work for the AA so got them to come rescue me last time anyway (perks of the job) :lol:

There was a thread on here somewhere I'm sure for putting the weights of items removed from the Zeds to gauge weight saving. Can't find it though sorry.


Did find this US thread though: http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/173-nissan-350z/43845-weight-reduction-thread.html


Makes for an interesting read although you will have to convert lbs to kgs if you're like me & find it easier to understand. They quote the spare tyre as weighing in at 35lbs which is 15+kg so I was pretty much on the money there with my guess for how much that weighed. :D

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My spare is fairly useless anyway as I'm too low to fit it without it rubbing the arches heavily while turning. I work for the AA so got them to come rescue me last time anyway (perks of the job) :lol:


I've owned a few cars that only came with a can of sealant :) I might remove my spare and just buy a can instead.

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My spare is fairly useless anyway as I'm too low to fit it without it rubbing the arches heavily while turning. I work for the AA so got them to come rescue me last time anyway (perks of the job) :lol:


I've owned a few cars that only came with a can of sealant :) I might remove my spare and just buy a can instead.

A few of the S3's I looked at didn't have spare tyres & I know my brothers old Clio 182 as well as his current Mini Cooper only have the tyre sealant cans. ;)


The downside is though that the sealant won't work if you've ripped a hole out of the sidewall of the tyre or similar and I'm pretty sure once you've used that stuff in a tyre it can't be repaired afterwards.

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If you have no spare wheel do you have to have the sealant to pass an mot?


Because to be honest i would prob never use either so may well take the spare out

Having a spare tyre is not a requirement of the MOT although if you do have one it must have a legal amount of tread on it. I have never known of any MOT tester who actually looked for a spare tyre, let alone checked the tread on one.


Just go without either if it's what you want to do but imo it couldn't hurt to carry a small can of the tyre sealant though just in case of emergency (last resort). :thumbs:

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