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Speed Camera Detector


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I used to use a bel euro 550 (discontinued, now replaced by the rx65), was useful when I drove the M25 every day as you knew which cameras were active and which were dummies.


To be honest I am now happier with a satnav with all fixed/mobile/redlight camera locations; less intrusive, understands speed so shuts up if you are within the limit, doesnt go off for every camera whether on your side of the road or not, doesnt keep bleeping when below the speed limit (try sitting in traffic on the M25 with a radar detector, you WILL turn it off!).


Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


One of the best sites for these things is http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/ plenty to read

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  mugwump said:
I used to use a bel euro 550 (discontinued, now replaced by the rx65), was useful when I drove the M25 every day as you knew which cameras were active and which were dummies.


To be honest I am now happier with a satnav with all fixed/mobile/redlight camera locations; less intrusive, understands speed so shuts up if you are within the limit, doesnt go off for every camera whether on your side of the road or not, doesnt keep bleeping when below the speed limit (try sitting in traffic on the M25 with a radar detector, you WILL turn it off!).


Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


One of the best sites for these things is http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/ plenty to read



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I use a Snooper S5 along with GPS locations via my sat nav. The Snooper is an old model but has served me well over the years B)


  mugwump said:

Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


I disagree with this statement. They also pick up laser scatter. It may not be ideal, but could be enough to give you a few seconds warning, making all the difference if you happen to have strayed over the posted limit. This has certainly been my experience on at least 2 occasions :thumbs:

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  NismoDave said:
I use a Snooper S5 along with GPS locations via my sat nav. The Snooper is an old model but has served me well over the years B)


  mugwump said:

Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


I disagree with this statement. They also pick up laser scatter. It may not be ideal, but could be enough to give you a few seconds warning, making all the difference if you happen to have strayed over the posted limit. This has certainly been my experience on at least 2 occasions :thumbs:


I stand by my statement, I have the points to prove it, yes the detector went off but all it did was warn me about the ticket I later received in the post.


I have also spent a couple of hours in a speed camera van with a traffic officer (there is a site the van parks up near where I live and I went over to chat to him to gather "intelligence" on the enemy) I had a long chat with him about how he calibrates the laser, how accurate, what he targets etc and even had a go "zapping" drivers myself (with the video off so nothing was recorded when I was playing).


The clarity of view they have from the van is extrodinary, they have very powerful camera equipment cosighted and aligned with the laser (so everything he zaps through the speed gun sight is also recorded on video) the zoom lens on the camera system is amazing you can read a tax disc about half a mile away and you have enough time to check if the driver is wearing their seatbelt or are on the phone, he zaps them (which puts a marker on the videotape with date and time) and notes the incident in a logbook so even if your seatbelt is not on he can issue a ticket.


Anyway, he went on to tell me about a conviction he secured where he could see a car was speeding in the distance but his view of it was obscured by a much nearer people carrier, so he took a reading off the speeding cars wing mirror which was just about the only part that was sticking out.


I wish you every sucess with your laser detector, but I have seen how clearly the odds are stacked against you and as I said from personal experience it didnt save me! You pays your money and takes your choice.

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  mugwump said:

I wish you every sucess with your laser detector, but I have seen how clearly the odds are stacked against you and as I said from personal experience it didnt save me! You pays your money and takes your choice.


Not doubting your above points at all mate, its amazing the technology employed today. I was just saying that in my opinion and experience, having some chance of warning from a laser device is better than none, without mine, i couldve picked up points and a fine also. As said, i combine my radar and laser detector with a GPS based set up for optimum safety, covering all bases. The only guarenteed defense is not to exceed the posted limit in the first place, but for those moments when we accidently do, its nice to be pre-warned if at all possible :thumbs:

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  NismoDave said:
i combine my radar and laser detector with a GPS based set up for optimum safety, covering all bases. The only guarenteed defense is not to exceed the posted limit in the first place, but for those moments when we accidently do, its nice to be pre-warned if at all possible :thumbs:


I am in violent agreement with you! :thumbs:


I used to have a routine when I got in the car, took me about 5 minutes plugging in all the toys [GPS based camera detector, Radar/Laser detector, sat nav, trafficmaster] would be late leaving as a result and needed all the speed tools to get me where I needed to be on time!


So I have combined 3 of those, GPS speed camera detector, Satnav and Traffic information in one and dropped the radar/laser detector, have to say if I could find a unit that did all 4 and only gave radar/laser warnings where it hadnt already warned me as a result of GPS position and then only when I was over the speed limit I would probably buy it.


Going back to the original posters question I'd still spend my money on a gps based satnav unit and download the speedcam database from pocketgpsworld.


no matter what detector you go with it wont protect you from the unmarked car, truvello cameras (the forward facing ones), SPECS (the average speed cameras they increasingly use on roadworks) or whatever they think of next in their flawed thinking about speed (http://www.safespeed.org.uk/ RIP Paul Smith ) only a GPS unit will protect from them all (with the exception of the unmarked car!)

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  mugwump said:
  NismoDave said:
i combine my radar and laser detector with a GPS based set up for optimum safety, covering all bases. The only guarenteed defense is not to exceed the posted limit in the first place, but for those moments when we accidently do, its nice to be pre-warned if at all possible :thumbs:


I am in violent agreement with you! :thumbs:


I used to have a routine when I got in the car, took me about 5 minutes plugging in all the toys [GPS based camera detector, Radar/Laser detector, sat nav, trafficmaster] would be late leaving as a result and needed all the speed tools to get me where I needed to be on time!


So I have combined 3 of those, GPS speed camera detector, Satnav and Traffic information in one and dropped the radar/laser detector, have to say if I could find a unit that did all 4 and only gave radar/laser warnings where it hadnt already warned me as a result of GPS position and then only when I was over the speed limit I would probably buy it.


Going back to the original posters question I'd still spend my money on a gps based satnav unit and download the speedcam database from pocketgpsworld.


no matter what detector you go with it wont protect you from the unmarked car, truvello cameras (the forward facing ones), SPECS (the average speed cameras they increasingly use on roadworks) or whatever they think of next in their flawed thinking about speed (http://www.safespeed.org.uk/ RIP Paul Smith ) only a GPS unit will protect from them all (with the exception of the unmarked car!)


+1 :thumbs:


And can back the Origin speed trap detectors, great product. :)

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Note Origin now Pogo products - still acknowledged as the best and most up to date GPS camera system and now available as stand alone detector (Pogo Alert) or with good quality, 7 digit post code Sat Nav (Pogo Drive).


MJP (Eastern Auto) offer discounted prices to Club members...we are authorised resellers of these products which are the ideal upgrade from the Origin b2 which proved popular with 350 owners on its introduction a few years ago.


See MJP Shop site at www.mjpshop.co.uk - get a discount code from a moderator.

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone know anything about TomTom I never go far but its nice to know where the camera's are Not that I go fast ;) I see these in comet I am not fussed on the satnav I just wondered if there is a yearly subscription which is pretty pointles for me. Be handy for the wales trip and any others I go on,I dont mind paying a bit more either.But basic system for the uk is fine for me. Any advice welcome http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/produc ... NE-EXPLORE

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It's free for one year and then you have to pay. I've just upgraded from the old 500 to an XL Europe, and that's the same content in the pack as that one. Speaking of which, unless you want it for the small size for the same price as that ONE you should be able to get an XL which has a much bigger screen.


Honestly, don't use the included TT speed cams as they're utter rubbish. There's a good few missing and they don't include the mobile sites, which is what I find the PGPSW ones particularly good for. If you're going to spend £130 on something, another £19 isn't that much more on top at all.

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I bought the Origin b2 with detector which when mounted on the dash is supposed to activate if a beam is pointed at the car. WASTE of MONEY! :angry:

I queried the operation with Origin and discovered that if targeted the unit will activate an alarm, but you only have 1/10 th’s of a second, not seconds to respond and get your speed down. In brief if you’re targeted you’re caught.

They admit that these devices are useless if you are being targeted as you cant react fast enough. They say they are better if the car in front is being targeted and you then pick up the scatter.

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  • 1 month later...

i thought the radar / laser detectors were supposed to be able to pick up the scatter? This then giving you time to slow.


If they dont work like this i cant see the point in them at all, i have never used a gps system as i have always managed to see the vans or fixed cameras when driving.


I have been looking to pick up a cheap detector just for the little extra protect but reading this puts me off bothering at all.

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I have a road angel professional, even though you can see the cameras having the alert is an extra alert.


The only time i have been done by a camera I used to drive passed twice a day, one day I was not alert and went straight passed it, 3 points and a fine. The road angle would have given the reminder I needed

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The new Pogo devices have just been updated to include advance warnings for regular mobile camera sites, i.e. where the police have established their good hiding places these will have been reported and included in the database. As with most Pogo features you can opt to have the extra warnings on or off.


Pogo products via MJP (Eastern Auto) at 10% discount to 350z-uk forum members. Fleet sales (3+ units) at -15%.


See Pogo products at www.mjpshop.co.uk. If you buy on-line, note your forum discount code in the comments box at check-out.

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  adncd said:
i thought the radar / laser detectors were supposed to be able to pick up the scatter? This then giving you time to slow.


If they dont work like this i cant see the point in them at all, i have never used a gps system as i have always managed to see the vans or fixed cameras when driving.


I have been looking to pick up a cheap detector just for the little extra protect but reading this puts me off bothering at all.


Sorry to say but on that basis I think you are surviving on borrowed time, in Surrey we see them 'hide' the vans round corners behind hedges etc so that by the time you see them, or the laser picks up the signal, you over the limit you are done. Also, how to you expect to avoid the rear detections - when they are on bridge you have just passed under and its width means you can't see them standing on the far side :dry:


When you feel the need to 'exercise the right foot' just make sure, as far as you can, it is on a road where the chances of detection are remote. ;)

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Best radar detection on the market at the moment is the valentine 1. Awesome bit of kit, dont own one personally as i bought the road angel before i knew it existed but a friend has it, combined with a few naughty contraptions

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Sorry to say but on that basis I think you are surviving on borrowed time, in Surrey we see them 'hide' the vans round corners behind hedges etc so that by the time you see them, or the laser picks up the signal, you over the limit you are done. Also, how to you expect to avoid the rear detections - when they are on bridge you have just passed under and its width means you can't see them standing on the far side




I appreciate that I can't see around corners or through bridges, but what i mean is that if the detectors don't pick up the scatter, its not going to make any difference whether i have one or not because as soon as it goes off, i've already been caught.



I guess i need to do more reseach but it sounds to me as though, you buy one of these things and hopefully it will pick something up early enough for you to brake, but chances are it won't. So prob best to pick up something with camera location database, and if it has the benefit of a detecor of some sort it's a bonus.

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  adncd said:
Sorry to say but on that basis I think you are surviving on borrowed time, in Surrey we see them 'hide' the vans round corners behind hedges etc so that by the time you see them, or the laser picks up the signal, you over the limit you are done. Also, how to you expect to avoid the rear detections - when they are on bridge you have just passed under and its width means you can't see them standing on the far side




I appreciate that I can't see around corners or through bridges, but what i mean is that if the detectors don't pick up the scatter, its not going to make any difference whether i have one or not because as soon as it goes off, i've already been caught.



I guess i need to do more reseach but it sounds to me as though, you buy one of these things and hopefully it will pick something up early enough for you to brake, but chances are it won't. So prob best to pick up something with camera location database, and if it has the benefit of a detecor of some sort it's a bonus.


The 'scatter' you mention is a bit a red herring - the best laser detectors come with sensors you fit close as possible to your number plate as by their very nature the beam is targeted at the plates and also so that the car can be identified from pic taken. As others have said on previous threads the only proven way to beat the laser is using a jammer which is illegal. Reading the blurb on the latest lasers being used they can tell if a jammer or 'parking assist' is being used and are likely to stop you and if caught that means a ban and a very hefty fine. :dry:

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